Feburary 13th

9 4 0

"We should go the valentine's dance together" you say.

I completely stop in my tracks because there's no way.

Us? Me and you? Alone?

I'm scared I'll do something stupid like kiss you or even worse, confess.

I know I should get over you.

But I can't help but think you feel what I'm feeling.

"As friends?" I question stupidly. If there was an award for stupid I'd win it.

"Nah" you replied sarcastically, "as lesbian lovers" I know you say it as a joke, but right then and there? I could've sworn I saw you blush.

- Winnie

March 2nd

I was blushing, so hard actually.

- Brooke

All The Things I wish I'd SaidWhere stories live. Discover now