Feburary 23rd

5 4 0

As I write thus you're currently asleep in my bed.

It absolutely broke me when you came over sobbing and explained that your parents were arguing.

You practically fell into my arms as soon as I opened the front door and my heart sank- my siblings kept being obnoxious about it (should I sell them and get a puppy instead?) and you were just crying and crying and crying.

When you were calmed down enough in the silent sibling-free solitude of my house's den, you said through a wet sniffle "this isn't the first time".

I remember what you said about what Jack does to your mom and what she does back, I won't write it down, just in case but I want you to know you're always safe with me.

I wish I could've told you that anyways.

You're safe with me...

- Winnie

March 2nd

Fuck I love you.

- Brooke

All The Things I wish I'd SaidWhere stories live. Discover now