March 8th

5 4 0

"Y-you're here" I stutter because god this girl makes me act dumb.

It's around eleven- when kids my age should probably be in school when we get back from the park.

Becca and Mark are hopping all over the place while Mom and Dad try hard to balance their things, tiredness, loss of money, and give Brooke a small wave all at onceZ

"Why wouldn't I be?" She smirks.
She's leaning against the wall beside the font door with her arms folded and a red hat over her long brown hair- god she doesn't know how crazy that drives me.

"School?" My brows cock up.

"This is more important babe" she says- and the pauses like she can't believe she just said ghat and I pause because oh my gosh and bow we're bth pausing and looking like idiot.

"Sorry" she shakes her head, then she steps forward and pulls me into this familiar Jasmine scent I'm so used to.

I'm sure my face is red but I sink into the hug anyways- because I missed her touch- her face- her smile.

Her in general.

"We're going to hang out" she orders as soon as we pull away- that's right- she doesn't say it, orders.

"I missed you" I smile as she leads me to god knows where.

All The Things I wish I'd SaidWhere stories live. Discover now