🥦Boun x Prem My Obsession II🥦

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Prem woke up later than usual because he spent the night playing games.
He was on his way out when he heard the bell rang.

He quickly grabbed his things and opened the door.
"Oh, Pi, what are you doing here?" He asked stupidly.

"One- good morning, Two- Did you forget that I said I'll take you to the university today?"
"Ah" Since he was rushing, he totally forgot about the said agreement.

"Good Morning P 'Boun. Yes, I actually forgot. I'm running late now and I don't have a car."
"I know, the one I mentioned yesterday picked that up earlier today, so for the meantime, I'll be at your service!"
"I really don't want to be a bother Pi." said Prem. He was not close to this senior so he doesn't want to impose.
"But I insist"

They arrive at the University with time to spare since they were able to avoid traffic since instead of a car, the commute was done via the motorcycle.

"I'll give you a ride home." Said Boun to Prem.

Prem was still thinking why P' Boun was acting all chummy. They never had an actual conversation before but now his acting like his personal chaufer.


I need to make use of this chance, I 'm finally on speaking terms with Prem. I'll make sure to make him mine. Thought Boun.
He fell for his Junior the first time he saw him. At first he was just interested, Boun has never been in a serious relationship, he never even dated before, he's had casual friends who he sleeps with whenever he's in need but he doesn't do relationships.

When he saw Prem the first time, he couldn't take his eyes of him.
He always looks for Prem in a crowd and
suddenly, the meeting by chance was no longer enough for Boun. He started stalking his junior.
Though he never approached Prem, he dedicated all his spare time to the kid. He made it his mission to know all the things to know about the boy. He even moved a floor up from Prem's condo to be near him.

During the first few months of his obsession, he's been imagining Prem when his doing the deed with his casual buddies but this last few months something changed. Imagining Prem is no longer enough, he can't get it up anymore, he needs Prem.
That's Why he came up with this devilish plan.

He broke prems car with the intention of pushing himself into Prem's life. He will make himself known, enter the kids life and finally making Prem his own.

Boun has been taking Prem to and off the University for about a week now. They also eat dinner together at Prem's.
But he can no longer delay returning Prem's car since Prem has been asking about it every day.

at prem's room after dinner *

"Pi, are you sure they'll give my car back tommorow? It's Saturday."
"Yes, it will be delivered here! said Boun flatly.
" "Thanks"
why are you asking about your car, do you hate being with me that much?" "Oh Pi, no, no. That's not what I meant. Don't get sulky, it's just that it's been almost a week. you must be tired, but we can still carpool if you want."

"Hmm... can I drink here? It's Friday, we don't have school tommorow."
"You, well you can but I don't have beer here. We can go out if you want, I'll treat you, as a thankyou for being my personal driver."

"No need to go out, I have some in my room, let me get it."

Boun was gone for a few minutes and when he returned, he was holding two packs of beers. (1 pack-6 beers).

'On Pi, aren't those too much?"

"you are drinking with me"

"But I, I've never drank before"
"That's okay, tomorrow's the weekend, you can be drunk, and you are with me, I'll take care of you" Bom said eyes twinkling.

A/N Next chapter is 18+
My first take in mature scenes so once again, forgive me.

I'm writing that now so I might be able to upload that later today.

Planning to do alotta shorts so if you have a pair in mind let me know, if I like them or know them I'll take a swig at it.

Lovelots 🩷🖤 WS

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