🌞🌻Joong Dunk Captured I🌞🌻

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Another stereotypical day for Dunk. He's been living a pretty mediocre life. He's been in a relationship with his girlfriend for
5 years now, they started going out during their university days.

He has a 9-5 basic desk job that pays okay, he is not well off but he gets by.

He admits that life's pretty boring but he doesn't have the will to make any drastic change right now. He is okay with mediocracy.

He knows it's about time that he and his girlfriend. to take their relationship a bit further but he's not really that motivated.

He loves his girlfriend, don't get me wrong but being a son of a divorced parent, he is afraid of ruining the relationship by going a step up.

He feels that his girlfriend Meen wants to get married though. He constantly sees his

girlfriend gush over proposal videos when they are together. He gusses he has to do it soon.

He went to work as usual, same old same old till after he went back from lunch, he was approached by two uniformed security and was ushered to office of the CEO and owner of their company.

He was told to wait there quietly. He had no clue why he was summoned. He knows he didn't do any thing wrong but he can't help but feel afraid. The CEO was known for having a very foul personality.

Dunk sat there brooding for what seemed to him like hours which was actually twenty minutes when Joong, the CEO entered the room and sat right beside him, holding a stack of documents.

"Now, Dunk is it?" asked the CEO.
"Yes sir." Answered Dunk timidly.
"Do you know why you are here?"
"No sir."
"I really don't"
"Can you tell me, why you are downloading sensitive information? Are you selling that or are you a corporate spy?"
"No, I would never, I have never, I don't have any Idea what your taking about! Dunk protested, taking offense because he never did such a thing.

"There's a lot of sensitive data that has been stolen, this is not the first time, but you were sloppy, very amature, we traced the breached back from your computer and dare
you still deny it." Said Joong menacingly." "I don't... I didn't do it!" Dunk denied adamantly as he was innocent.
Joong presented the document, with the records or the breach with his computer login stamp.
"It's not me, I didn't do it!"
"It seems like you still want to lie, I'll let the police take care of it!
"No, please, don't, it's not me, I am
Two security escorted Dunk out, he didn't make a fuss and just went with them in fear of causing a scene, he didn't want his coworkers to know.

When he's in the car he remembered that he wasn't able to collect his things, his bag and phone was still in his cubicle.

"My things..." He half whispered.

"That's the least of your worries, boy" Said
one of the security personel.

He was dragged in a small office, that felt like an abandoned building.
He was then interrogated by two very buff police officers for hours straight. Dunk didn't know what time it was. They took turns in hitting him which greatly scared Dunk.
He was then left to sleep then once he woke up. He was interrogated some more.

His lips was dry, he's both thirsty and hungry. He felt like crying, life was not fair.

He wondered if his girlfriend was looking for him as he didn't get to send a message- the was feeling a lot of things when the police officer suddenly pushed his head on the table.

"How dare you ignore me! Tell me, why did you steal the information, who are you working for?"

"I told you, it wasn't me, I didn't do it, I'm innocent."

Suddenly Joong entered the room and motioned for everyone to leave the room. Dunk looked at the formidable CEO's eyes.
"Please, believe me, I'm innocent! Help me!" Dunk was now crying. He felt that the CEO was his last hope.

"Tell me why should I help a thief like you?" "I'm not a thief!"
"so you want to stay here?"
"No please, help me. I'll do anything" "Any this hub"
"Yes, I can't take this anymore please help me!" Dunk reached out and held the CEO's hands.

"I can make this go away, but..."
"Come with me"

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