🌻 Fourth Save me II🌻

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Phuwin was bothered by the sudden change in Fourth's behavior. The kid who always have high energy and playful is now slowly wilting away.

Fourth now mostly keeps to himself, only talk when directly asked a question. He smiles when the cameras are rolling, he answers the interview questions well.

His acting is still impecable but that's it. Fourth is becoming more of more of a loner as time goes by.

All Phuwin's spare time is now dedicated to Fourth. Instead of just observing him, he now makes an effort to approach Fourth.

He strikes up conversations in between break. Even invites Fourth to unwind. Though Fourth responds to the chitchat, he always says no to the going out part.

Phuwin cornered Fourth one day and Forced Fourth to hang out with him.

"I don't really feel like going out P'Tang. in pass."

AN: Fourth sometimes addresses Phuwin as P'Tang short for Phuwin Tangsakyuen

"No Fourth, I won't take no for an answer-Either you come with me now or I'll make a scene and make a big deal out of this." Phuwin threatened.

"But, I... I can't really stand being in a crowd right now, P'Tang please I I really can't! Tears are almost building in Fourth's eyes.

"Okay, so no to crowded places. Let's go to my condo."
"But people will see... I don't want to drag you down as well."
"What do you mean?"
"Nothing, I was speaking nonsense." Fourth quickly said.

"I'll head to the parking lot first, I'm in parking 5, make sure to meet me. Don't make me angry, Fourth." Phuwin really don't want to resort to this method but Fourth is clearly showing signs of depression and someone needs to step up."


The drive to the condo was uneventful. Since it was closer to midnight, they barely met any people.

Once inside the living room. Phuwin Ushered Fourth to sit in the conch.

He first gave Fourth some cold water. Then thought that if Fourth's to come clean with the problem he might need a little push.

He prepared some alcoholic drink and some snack. He sat beside Fourth.

"Are you drinking Pi?"Fourth asked.

"We are" was Phuwin's short reply.

"But I don't...'" Fourth started to say but

"let's just drink a few to relax, he' n not go overboard. I can see that you are stressed. Listen to me, okay."

Reluctantly Fourth complied. He actually really wanted to drink and relax. He's been stressed for a while now. He wanted someone to be there for him, to listen.

After a few shots Phuwin started his interrogation.

"Now Fourth, it's time to come clean."

AN: Sooooooooo
Yes it's another PhuwinFourth. Totally unrelated to my existing on going FF for PhuwinFourth (If you wanna check that out just click on my Profile it's called If it isn't you)

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