🌻 Fourth Save Me V🌻

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It took Phuwin more than a few minutes to get to his parked car.
Fourth already seated at the passenger's seat.

Phuwin took a deep breath before opening the driver's seat, looked at Fourth's face.

"Are you okay?" Phuwin gently asked.

"I'm fine,Pi. Can you go? Will anyone be angry at us if we leave? I can go on myown."

"Everything is good, my darling thing. I talked with the CEO, he gave us permission to leave."

"The CEO? Oh Pi, I'm really scared. Willhe fire me? That's fine I guess,but willhe get mad at you?"

" My sweet Fourth, don't overthink. Let's go, you'll stay in my apartment for now, Let's head to your apartment first to get clothes and such, then you'll e staying with me.Sleep for a bit,Iwon't talk about it anymore now, if you want to talk, we'll talk once we are in my place. Do you understand me?"

"Yes Pi." Though Fourth wants to clear things up now, he doesn't want to offend Phuwin as Phuwin is his only source of strength nowwithout Phuwin,Fourth would collapse.

They managed to settle in Phuwin'splace in no time.

Phuwin handed Fourth a glass of cold drink.

"Can we talk now, P'Tang?" Fourth asked Phuwin. They are sitting down side by side on Phuwin's couch.

"Yes my dearest. What do you want to know? I'll tell you everything."

"Well I'll start with... You've been calling me a lot of sweet names, are you uncomfortable? I'm nothing special. You shouln't call me those?"

"Why love? Is Pi making Fourth uncomfortable? I only call you what I want, I guess Ididn't take your feelings into account. Pi is sorry." Phuwin just wanted Fourth to feel loved. He never wanted to add to Fourth's troubles.

"No Pi. I actually like it. You make me feel somewhat important. I just don't want you to feel obligated to make me feel..."

"Enough. If you don't feel uncomfortable, then I'll continue to call you by whatever I like to call you. Anything else that's on your mind my love?"

"Why did you aaskme to stay herewith you? If the media comes to know, you will be in trouble, I already dragged Gemdown, I don' want to do the same to you, Pi."

"This is my selfishness, I will admit. I don't want you to be alone these days. I want to always be with you but I can't be with you all the time because we both work. At least if you stay with me here, when we are not working, I can always look after you."

" I don't understand why you are doing these things forme Pi. But I will be selfish now as I really need you. I am sorry for being selfish Pi. I don't think I can survive on my own. When I am near you, I don't feel like I want to die. Please let me be selfish." Fourth was crying hard. Phuwin embraced Fourth.

"You do that, I don't care about the media or what anyone would say. I will protect you. Whatever you hear or see from now on, I want you to ignore them. Just rely on me. Trust that I can fix everything for you."

Phuwin gently kissed Fourth's lips.

He was taken aback as Phuwin never did that before,he would kiss his temple or cheeks but never on the lips. They are not even dating but for some reason,he did not feel disgusted. It felt natural so even though he did not respond, he did not push Phuwin away.

After a few minutes, Fourth was asleep. Phuwin again kissed Fourth's temple then carried Fourth to his room.

He layed beside Fouhand pulled himto a hug.

The Next Morning. All socmed was in uproar.

Their Company released a statement that their legal team is now filing charges against multiple individual and Social Channels.

Those who were bashing and degrading Fourth were named.

Fourth of course was unaware of everything since Phuwin took Fouth's social media privileges.

He woke up because because his phone kept on ringing.

He was about to pick up his phone when he noticed that there'ssomething heavy on top of him,he then noticed that Phuwin'sarm and legs are wrapped against him.He couldn't helpbut smile. Here they are,two individuals, with relationship undefined,sleeping with each other.

If the media gets a whiff of this, he knows he'llget dragged to the mud but he didn't care. Why should he when Phuwin is here toproteect him?

He checked the message from the CEO, he was being called to the main office. Phuwin woke up and saw Fourth's tensed face.

"What is it my love?"

"I'mbeing summoned."

Phuwin checked his phone as well.

"You and me both. Don't worry, I got you. Believe in me my love."

"Yes Pi."

AN: Oh I know this story is becoming too long to be considered a short story but I can't help it. There might be a couple more chapters. I'll try to finish it in just one more chapter but I don't know.

I should have just created this as a stand alone. Anyways. I hope you guys are enjoying the stories that I make as much as I enjoy writing them.

BTW: More than 2k READS! You all are awesome! When I first started writing, I wrote on a whim. I never thought that anyone would be interested. I would like to take this opportunity to extend my thanks to you, my lovelies.

You are all the best!

Best Wishes to everyone. : ❤️

Winter Snow ❄️ 🌨️ ❄️

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