🧸Perth x Chimon Owned I🧸

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Chimon looked at the window outside his classroom. The weather is so nice. the wished that he can pause his studies for a moment and take a walk.

He can't though. He is working on his notes he needs to finish them in time so he can sell them. the's mother is due for another check up and the rent hasn't been paid yet.

He also lost his favorite student that he tutors because their family migrated to the Us .

He just want to take a day off.

Life was never fair for Chimon, it's like one problem after the other.

They were well off before but his father's business went bankrupt. His father because of shame ended his life. There was no insurance, then his mom got sick.

Every responsibility went to chimon, he is still lucky though, because his intelligent.

He's been using his brain to not only get scholarships but a way to earn a living.

He tutors, he sells notes, sells ascigments and projects.

That helps with his allowance, rent and such. But since he lost his biggest income, he's struggling to meet ends meet.

The medicine and other expenses for his mother's sickness is too expensive.

He needs to find another job that pays well soon.

He can't even take a break from school because that's were most of his income comes from.

Once Chimon is done with his notes. He let out a sigh.

On his way out he saw Perth, who looks super irritated.
"You asshat! My dad once to speak with you?" Perth said.
"What? Why?"

"Don't ask questions just follow me.

Time skip❤ .

"Sawat dee Kun Sukumpantanasan" Waid Chimon to Perth's father.
They were sitting in a restaurant near the school.

"Sawatdee. Let's eat first then we'll talk.'
Chimon was very reluctant. He needs to go soon so that he won't miss his next part time job plus he doesnt have any extra money to be eating in restaurants.

"Uhm, if it's all the same to you, I'd rather we talk now as I need to go to my next job. I can't afford to be late."

"Eat, I don't go around treating everyone so just eat when offered. It's bad manners to say no to an adult."
One problem down, they are paying. I can eat some and then take the rest for take out for my mother, thought Chimon.

"Let's talk while we eat, Dad. I told you, Mon is always busy."
"Huh." Exclaimed Chimon. He rarely has any interaction with Perth and his group so he didn't know that he's even avane of chimon's existence."

Once the food are set on the table, Perth's father spoke.

"Okay, I' II be clear with what I want. I want you to tutor my son, Perth. The school called and said that he will be dropped from the football team soon, if his scores does not improve."
"Oh, I, I can squeeze him in during the weekends, for two hours each."
"No, I want you to work with him full time."
"I can't Kun. I have other part times that I need to attend to."
"oh but I'm not negotiating, I know that you've been selling notes and assignments for the students, I can go to the principal and have you expelled. You will not just lose your scholarship, you will be expelled."

"Kun "Was all Chimon could manage.
His brain was working overtime, checking all variables..
He thinks his still okay, with dropping school, he can try to get more jobs, plus he can venture out. But his mom needs money fast, they can't afford to not pay any rent as they don't have anyone to fall back on.
H I will pay you. of course. You will have enough for food rent and school, and if Perth manages to pass all his exams I will sponsor your mother's medical needs, if he get is in a University I will sponsor her operation. What do you think?"

"It sounds too good to be true, specially Coming from someone who's blackmailing me."

"Well I want to get what I want with no room for a no." Said Perth's father. Perth was just eating not seeming to mind what's going on as if it does not concern him a bit. " What are my working hours?."

"Well, you'll be moving in with us, which is great for my Perth here since my work requires me to travel a lot. You don't have a fix schedule, just make sure he studies daily and he learns something."

Usir, I can't do a stay-in type of Job. My mother, as you mentioned earlier is sick.
How can I sleep someplace else?"

"Oh, you're barely home right now, if my information is correct. You are only at that house to sleep, you are either at school or working. I can have one of the maids stay at your place at night."

"That seems too troublesome for a tutor for your son"

"Well, I know you are quite intelligent, you are the best in this school plus my perth hates people but he don't seem to hate you. Perth is my only son and I want only the best for him, and as I was told, you were the best.''

Till when do I have to decide? I need to talk to my mother and my other bosses."

"Hmm. You will move in tomorrow. You have till today to talk to everyone. Now eat."

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