🌻 Fourth Save me IV🌻

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Phuwin now spends all his extra time on Fourth. He makes sure that Fourth is attended to at all times.

Even if he don't have a schedule but Fourth needs to attend a shoot or event, Phuwin makes time to go to Fourth.

He would even drive Fourth home if he is free.

During one of the shoot for their variety show, Fourth had to act all playful and happy with Gem and their other co-actors, luckily, Phuwin is also part of the guests so he has more time to take care of Fourth.

During the break, Fourth was so emotionally drained he had to go to a corner just to get away.

Eem looked at Fourth and frowned. Fourth used to play with him backstage but it seems like
Fourth no longer wants to play with him. He only talks to Phuwin now.

He thought it was just because Fourth was tired but it seems like Fourth is avoiding him at all cost.

Fourth also stopped flirting with him, even on cam.

During the interview earlier one asked how's
their relationship and if they have plans this coming indiday, Fourth said that they are friends and Fourth would just rest at home.

Gem saw Phuwin going to Fourth's little corner with a drink.

"Hey Fourth." Phuwin said softly.
"P 'Tang!." Fourth smiled. Phuwin always gives him strength.
"Yes Pi."
"Here, drink this then take a little nap, we have a
couple of hours break. Or do you want to eat, I
saw you eat very little earkir."
"l' think I'll take that nap. I'm not very hungry." "Okay, but you'll have dinner with me later."
After sipping on the drink, Fourth leaned on Phuwin to sleep.

Gem quickly went to the two.

"You guys are sickeningly close."
Fourth immediately opened his eyes.
"Ai Gem. "Fourth said tiredly.
"Fourth is tired, do you need something?"

"You've been super close these past week, is something going on?"
"Yes, we are close, everyone here's supposed to be close, we closely work together, right?"

"But you guys are not working closely together. You have your own partner."

"Do we have a problem, Gem?" Phuwin is starting to get irritated, Fourth's mind and emotion is not stable right now and though he is getting better, he doesn't want to stress Fourth.

Fourth grabbed Phuwin's sheaves-
"Pi"the said softly.
"It's okay, don't worry about anything."

"can I just go Pi? I can stay at the car while"
"No, stay here, rest. You need to rest." Phuwin patted Fourth's hair.

"Gem, Fourth is not feeling well, let's talk some other time, if you really need to talk but Fourth will test now?

Everyone was looking at them now. Pond, Phuwin's onscreen partner went to them.

"What's happening here?"

Fourth hid behind Phuwin. Tear's threatening to flow.

Phuwin hugged Fourth, not caring about the

"Shh, it's okay... no hush now. It's fine.'
'I'll talk to P' Ta, I can't do this any more." "No, no sweety, calm down. Go to my car, I'll fix this then we'll go okay. Calm down, don't decide on any ting now, but if ever and whatever, I'm with you okay." Phousin gave Fourth his car key.
As Fourth was having fun tried to pull Fourth but Phuwin stopped him.

Fourth almost ran outside.

"You need to have Fourth alone!" Yelled Phuwin one he was sure that Fourth's gone.

"What the Fuck is your problems Pi?" asked Gem.

"leave Fourth alone!"

"Why do I need to leave Fourth alone, as you said we are friends, he's not yours alone pi."

"Phuwin, calm down, can you tell us what's happening?" Asked Pond, unsure of what happening.

Phuwin smirked on Gum.

"some friend you guys are, Fourth is suffering, and you guys are pretending to be blind or just plain ignoring it."

"What do you know about Fourth, his just tired because of school and all" said tum.

"Fourth wants to quit acting! His depressed and emotionally drained! I'll take care of Fourth since no one here cares enough to see he's suffering."

, What is he suffering for, every me get's tired because of the schedules."

"Auck the trending hashtags from your fans, that's all I'll say, I've already said too much."

Phuwin then went to their CEO, explained What happened and half demanded that the company protect Fourth.

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