São Paulo

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São Paulo, Brazil

December 31st, 2053

2:40 PM

Bruno sat still, his eyes fixed on the water below. The river's current was so calm under the bridge, it barely looked like it was moving at all. He found that calming, that stillness, that's why he chose this place afterall. He shook his head, and turned to look over his shoulder. No one was around him, everyone had evacuated, or had made it to a bunker by now, and not a moment too soon it seemed. He could see them in the distance if he looked hard enough, there, just barely peeking out from the horizon, were the storm clouds. That was this one's gimmick he supposed, making a giant storm cloud around himself. He had to give it to whatever horrid thing was in the center of those black clouds, it'd be one hell of a way to make an entrance. Bruno was glad he wouldn't be around much longer to see it firsthand though.

He looked back down towards the water, still as ever, it was inviting to say the least. His heart skipped a beat as he thought about what it would be like, to fall into it now, disrupt the stillness for only a moment before he was gently carried away by the tide. No one would know, his family would just assume he was one of the countless unfortunate souls that were going to be snuffed out in the coming hours, he'd be remembered as they knew him, not as he truly was. That would be good he thought, he wouldn't want to put his mother through that. His eyes fixed on the reflection in the still water.

Then the water began to ripple. Bruno could feel it shortly after, the rumbling. A constant vibration through the earth. He looked around frantically, searching for the source of the shaking, but saw nothing. That was at least, until he saw the building across the river buckle inwards. The cloud of debris that rose from the collapsed building obscured the details of what had happened for only a moment. Bruno watched, wide eyed, as from within the cloud, a dark shadow moved. Its body was long and flexible, like that of a caterpillar or worm, but it's torso was bizarre, the only descriptor that came to the poor man's mind was, humanoid. Four humanoid limbs emerged from the cloud, gripping the crumbling remains of what was once an office building with its six digit hands, as if to anchor itself. That was when its head emerged from the cloud. Bruno felt his breath catch in his throat for a moment as he watched the insect-like creature's four pairs of horizontal mandibles rhythmically snap open and shut, as the creature's head peered out above the billowing wreckage. His eyes followed the creature's head, as the beast reared up, arms outstretched at its sides, and unleashed an earth rattling roar.

Sitting upon the edge of that bridge, watching this horrible monstrosity as it emerged from within the earth itself, a feeling washed over Bruno, something he hadn't felt since that night, since his wife and daughter... He felt happy. Bruno let out a chuckle and smiled as he watched the creature lean forward, its body bending in the middle, like an inchworm. Its small black eyes seemingly staring off into space as it began to crawl forward across the ground. Bruno leaned forward to get a better view as the creature reared up again as it reached the river. It was a good distance upstream from Bruno, but even from here he could see just how truly gargantuan this thing was. If he had any he'd bet money that the thing was taller than the bridge he was on.

The creature's jaws opened and closed in unison once more as it reached the river and stopped. Bruno watched as the creature used its four front arms, along with its much larger third pair of arms, to push its body off the ground and stop at around the same level as the bridge he found himself sitting upon. The creature's head tilted to the side, and for a moment...

Was it looking at him? Bruno couldn't help but laugh at the thought. His final moment, the one he had dreamed of, planned for ages, had intended on being completely alone during, was being crashed by a literal Ultra Fauna. What are the odds? Bruno laughed as the creature reared up to full height, its eyes still seemingly fixed on him. He couldn't help himself really, Bruno lifted his arm and he waved up to the titanic creature.

"Hope you get him buddy!" Bruno yelled out. He looked down at the water below, and shrugged. He supposed now was as good a time as any. He looked up one more time, towards his new found friend and gave the big bug a salute. Then, with a light push, he threw himself forward and towards that calm current down below.

His eyes snapped open a mere moment later as he felt something pierce his gut and stop his descent. Bruno's eye shifted in their sockets, and landed upon the giant, jagged metal blade that had emerged from beneath the water's surface and had stabbed him through his torso and out his back. Bruno coughed, spewing red onto the sleek gray metal, as his eyes looked up towards the creature, which stared down at him for only a moment, before turning away.

That was the last thing Bruno saw, before the black engulfed him. 

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