
6 1 0

Houston, USA

December 31st, 2053

11:40 AM

This was a really, really bad idea.

Tony knew that, really like he knew as soon as she suggested the idea to him that it was a stupid, nonsensical, flatout stupid idea. Why on god's green earth, or any other planet for that matter, would someone go outside during a kaiju fight. Not to a bunker, not to an evacuation center, no, to the campus' football stadium, to get a real good view of the giant monsters wrecking the city. It was stupid, unbelievably, undeniably stupid.

With that said, when Angelia flashed those big blue eyes at him, and said she'd bring some ecstasy and a blanket for them to hangout under while they watched, he had to admit that he may have overlooked the utter stupidity of the suggestion, if only for long enough for them to actually make it to the stadium. Now that he was there, alone, miles away from any bunkers, or hell, at least a 3 minute walk from his car, he was starting to seriously regret his decision. Tony had only known Angelia for a couple months at that time, they had met at a party on campus before the semester had started and to keep it brief, their friendship got pretty hot and heavy quickly. Especially after they found out they were in the same intro to graphic design class. Let's just say, they had shared quite a few nights 'studying'. Now there was a lot to like about Angelia, she was chill, funny, and really, really hot, but she did come with her flaws. The biggest one of which had led the two of them to the scenario they now found themselves in, she was like, weirdly into Ultra-Fauna. Like tony had thought they were cool when he was a kid and all, all kids have their Ultra-Fauna phase, but Angelia was way into em, like, she had custom made throw pillows in the shape of Scorn Rah and Lacertuc, something Tony's friend Ivan, an exchange student, had been pretty miffed about when he heard it. That said, when she heard about sixteen new Ultra Faunas just popping into existence out of thin air, and that at least one of them was on a collision course with the city she was in, well, suffice to say, Angelia went a bit over the rails about it.

Tony looked forward towards the Houston skyline as Angelia draped the blanket over their legs. She leaned backwards, her Lacertuc pillow already positioned behind her so she could comfortably recline. She let out a long sigh as she turned her head towards Tony, who gave her a nervous smile, his back already hurting a bit from leaning against the metal bleacher behind him. Apparently she had forgotten to bring the scorn rah pillow for him.

"Thanks for coming out here with me Tony." She said as she leaned her head on his shoulder, Tony could feel his resolve melting with every passing second.

"Anytime," he said, "I wouldn't let you do this by yourself."

"You're so sweet," she muttered as her head rubbed against his neck. Before Tony could respond with something equally sappy, he knew she loved that kinda shit, a noise drove his attention elsewhere. A thunderous boom filled the air, and as Tony's eyes scanned the distant skyline, he saw it. A pillar of Debris. Angelia nearly leapt to her feet as she grabbed onto Tony's hand and yanked it excitedly.

"Tony Tony!" she yelled frantically, the smile on her face was the widest he had ever seen, it was almost cute enough to distract him from the skyline. Almost.

Another thrum filled the air as another plume of smoke and ash was sent skyward, then another, and another. From within the cloud, came a hideous, booming bellow, which hurt Tony's ears almost as much as Angelia's fingernails digging into his forearm.

"Hey loosen the grip up a bit-" Tony said, but Angelia had already let go, she was standing now, phone in hand, recording the destruction on her phone.

"Tony Holy Shit Look Look!" she squealed in excitement as Tony looked on in horror. Slowly, surely, a massive head began to emerge from within the massive brown cloud. With a long, broad snout, small beady eyes, and decorative growths of flappy flesh that hung from the bottom of its jaw like limp tentacles, its mere visage frightening enough to send a chill down his spine. Nothing prepared him for when it opened its mouth though.

Its jaws split open, revealing a row of large curved teeth, and a mere moment later, two large flaps on each side of the jaw, like a secondary set of jaws, opened up as well, revealing even more sharp, curved teeth. As the creature unleashed another horrific bellow, Tony sat in silence, his eyes fixed on the thing. He was only snapped out of his fearful state by Angelia's hand clamping down on his wrist.

"Heyyy," she said with a cheeky smile, "Don't be such a baby, c'mere." She said as she yoinked Tony up and off the bench and twisted him around. She wrapped her arm around Tony's neck and pulled him in close to her, holding her camera in the other hand. "C'mon babe, smile." She said in that cute innocent way, which would usually get him to do anything she wanted, but right now he didn't even hear her words. His eyes were fixed on the creature, and more importantly, what it was doing.

It was staring. It was standing as still as a statue, its eyes locked on something, in their direction.

It was staring at them. Tony watched as the creature's jaws opened again, its jagged teeth glistening in the morning sun, as it took a step forward. Angelia's voice broke his concentration.

"Oooh, these ones are so cute!" She said as she looked back towards the approaching beast.

Angelia, we got your pictures, we saw it, we should really go." Tony said bluntly as he turned around and looked at his study buddy. She was staring towards the creature, but something was different. Tony followed her gaze... and stopped.

The creature's body danced with vibrant streaks of bioluminescence that, despite his panic, despite his rational, despite everything, he simply couldn't turn away from. He heard as Angelia collapsed to the floor, but he didn't move, he simply stared ahead. He heard a noise from above him, as concrete cracked and steel bent out of shape, but despite the terror that now gripped his heart, he couldn't look away. He saw something pass into his periphery, something large, something grotesque and moist, as it smashed across the stadium's northern side, but still he couldn't-

The monster let out a third below, this one louder, more aggressive in nature, as it reared its head back. Tony suddenly snapped out of his trance, and immediately whipped around. His head turned skyward, just in time to see the unholy mass of muscles and muscle hoist itself atop of the stadium's nosebleeds. He turned away from it, it was his first instinct, like pulling the sheets over his head as a kid, but as he turned, a new horror came into view. Angelia lay on his side, eyes rolled back into her head, foam frothing from her mouth as her body convulsed. Tony's mind reeled and raced as he did the only thing he could think of. He knelt down and grabbed her by the shoulders, shaking her as he screamed her name.

A new noise filled the air, the sound of a dam bursting, of a thousand rivers flowing. Tony didn't turn his head in time to see its source. He simply felt the rush of billions upon billions of gallons of water wash over him, and then he felt nothing. 

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