Cerceris Giganteus Vs. Luna

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Luna's eyes squinted as she watched her arthropod foe fly upwards, narrowly avoiding the plasma shock aimed to erase her from this plane of existence. She grumbled in annoyance as her eyes began to glow a brilliant bluish white. She tilted her head upwards, lightning cracked between her fins, sizzling the sea water that surrounded her, as a new strategy formed in her ancient mind.

The female cerceris gigantues looked towards the sea, its clawed limbs grasped and curled in anticipation as she made her way towards her prey. The massive insect could see the ancient creature's shape below the waves, witnessed the brilliant display of sparks and the shine of light that emanated from her body, and it made her excited, she would make for an exciting hunt. Cerceris watched as her opponent slowed to a halt, and the light that surrounded her dimmed and died. The hornet stopped instinctively, narrowly avoiding the plasma shock as it shot right past her and into the night air. Moving on instinct, the wasp rolled in midair, avoiding the beam as Luna swung her head downwards in an attempt to cleave her insect opponent in half. Cerceris flew forward, and the beam of plasma followed after her. She weaved out of the way of the blast as it chased her, flying up, whipping in unnatural directions in a desperate attempt to escape a fiery fate. The blast trailed her as she swooped downwards, closer to the surface of the water. She flew, her clawed appendages skidding across the surface, when she noticed that the beam had finally dissipated.

Luna's trap had worked. She rocketed out of the water beneath the soaring insect, jaw snapping shut around the unsuspecting bug. Luna's body fell, smacking against the surface of the water, her opponent still trapped in her bird-like beak.

Cerceris struggled against her restraints, but Luna's jaws remained shut as she dived below the waves. The wasp clawed and squirmed frantically as her ancient advisory dove deeper and deeper, scratching at her beak with her claws, stabbing at her flesh with her stinger, but she was well and truly trapped. Luna would drown this nuisance of an opponent, it didn't deserve her efforts. Her massive fins propelled her downwards as she descended into the depths at an alarming rate. She felt as her tail breached the surface,the final visual she intended to leave to those still alive on shore, then... She stopped.

Well she didn't stop, not by her own volition at least, more accurately she was halted. The ancient beast let out an annoyed grunt as she whipped her head side to side, trying to get a view of what, or who had stopped her. That's when she started to rise. Annoyance shifted to confusion, which shifted to panic. Luna started to curl upon herself, trying to figure out what was happening, and in her frantic state her jaws opened. Seizing the chance, Cerceis squirmed her way free, and pushed herself away from her ascending foe. As Luna rose higher and higher, her eyes began to glow, her fins began to crackle with electricity. As her body emerged from the sea and into the night air, she raised her head, jaws open, and fired.

A massive bolt of light streamed outwards from Luna's maw and into the night sky towards her tail, but her ascent continued. Then, her world began to turn. Luna felt as her body started to swing round and around. Her beam illuminated the sky like a beacon as she continued to rise, spinning faster and faster. Despite her strength, the centrifugal force won out. Her head flew back from the sheer force of the spin, her beam shooting outward, creating what looked like from below a solid bluish white disk that glowed and covered the night sky.

And then she was let go.

Luna for the first time in her life experienced true weightlessness. The world spun around her as her titanic body tumbled through the atmosphere, twisting upon herself as she rocketed forward. After a mere moment a sudden pain shot through her as she crashed back first into a large building, sending a plume of debris flying outwards as the goddess of the moon continued forward. With an annoyed shriek she hit the earth and began to roll. Her body smashed buildings, flattened highways, crushed parks until finally, with her wits about her, she utilized her levitation to bring herself to a halt. She stopped and floated for a moment, letting a deep breath in and out, before she turned to face her attackers. There, sitting atop two large buildings, bodies shining a brilliant red in the moonlight, were the male and female, their large complex eyes locked squarely on the Moon Goddess.

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