Raiju Vs. Ralvaronus

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Ralvaronous watched the Metropolitan Square building crumble around his predatory foe. The armored beast reared up, arms stretched wide as it grunted in a low, threatening manner. A high pitched hiss came from the obscured Raiju, its eyes shining a brilliant blue through the cloud of debris and dust billowing around him. From within that obscuring cloud, the creature's long, tangling tails shot out like grasping fingers, quickly wrapping around the armored beast's outstretched arms. Ralvaron's head snapped to the side as the tails ensnared its limbs, turning back in time to see the electric monster's open jaws rushing forward out of the smog. Its jaws snapped down on the stouter creature's thick neck, its sharp teeth making an ear splitting clack as they collided with Ralvaron's thick plates. Its grip held true as the beast's clawed hands gripped onto its entrapped opponent's torso, and its legs pushed it forward. Billows of smoke and debris filled the already darkened landscape as the thinner of the two ultra fauna forcefully pushed its foe backwards, hoping to trip him over onto his back, but it wouldn't make it that far.

Tucking his chin, Ralvaron forced its foe's jaws from its throat, and with swift motion, stabbed its spike tail downwards into the earth below, slowing its motion to a halt. Ralvaron grunted loudly as it pushed its arms forward, overpowering the twisting limbs wrapped around them, and grabbed onto the wolf-like monster's shoulder. Raiju howled in annoyance, and dug the claws of its whip-like tails into the exposed flesh of Ralvaron's under arms. Its eyes glowed an otherworldly blue as a surge of electricity flooded the armored monster's body. Ralvaron let out a pained whine, if not for its natural resistance to such attacks, it might have been paralyzed by such an attack, instead, it simply pissed him off. Raiju, expecting its foe to fall over in sudden pain, was caught off guard as the brutish behemoth reared its heavy hand back, before in a surprising swift movement, slammed it into the wolf like creature's head.

The wolf-like being stumbled sideways, its brain momentarily rattled by the powerful strike, it couldn't allow that, electricity surged through its body and to its brain, and in a near instant it regained its clarity, just in time. It ducked out of the way of an arching swing from the heavier monster, lurching back away out of range. With an angry howl, Raiju darted back in, launching himself onto Ralvaron's back. Its curved claws dug into the armored beast's sides, as its tails swung downwards, trying to skewer the Ralvron's exposed sides. The beast grunted in abject pain as the nimbler ultra fauna picked at its sides, with a motion it reached up, its large, clawed fingers snatched two of Raiju's jabbing tendrils in their grasp. With a mighty tug, it pulled the lighter kaiju forward and crashed backfirst into the sides of the America Center Dome. It rolled to its feet, hissing lowly at its powerful foe, only to stop, as confusion set in. Ralvaron didn't pursue the fight, it stood a distance away, shoulders lowered. The hunter tilted its head, trying to understand what odd display this must be, until it saw them. Two circular pillars of spikes jutting out of the armored beast's back began to glow an intimidating orange. Raiju's eyes widened and its jaws snapped open. A black smog erupted from its throat, clouding its surroundings almost instantly.

Boom! Boom!

Two orbs of superheated metal ripped through the darkened cloud, hissing loudly through the rainy filled air until they collided with route 44 some distance away, obliterating them and the surrounding neighborhoods in a fiery eruption. Ralvaron snorted loudly, annoyed by the slipperiness of this nimble foe, and looked around. The thick plated upon its neck and back creaked as rain continued to fall all around him. Try as he might, the armored brute couldn't see its sneaky foe.

The top of Raiju's head emerged from the Missouri river, like a crocodile's, it had narrowly avoided those projectiles, it wouldn't make such a mistake again. It senses the armored brute's movements, its senses picking up on every twitch and twist the creature made in a desperate attempt to locate him. Slowly, stealthily, Raiju's tendrils emerged from the river one by one, and all pointed towards the lumbering mammal.

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