Crabnarok Vs. Kjeldrun

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Crabnarok lumbered forward aimlessly, its long stalk eyes scanned the dimming landscape below it with little interest. It did not truly know why it had begun its march, nor did it truly understand where it was, all it knew was that it had been compelled to move and somehow it had known to come to this place in particular. It paused as its trunk-like appendages fell upon the earth in what appeared, to the creature at least, to be the center of the city. That compulsion seemed to disappear suddenly, like a fog dissipating from his mind, and for a second a calm settled upon the crustacean's simplistic mind.

Its body relaxed, its joints eased and its eye stalks drooped forward as the bringer of the end times slumped forward a bit. It was tired, whatever fog had clouded its mind and commanded him forward had dulled the feeling of weakness in its joints, but now that it was gone, the effects of its grueling trek were finally coming to the forefront. The crustacean let out a low rumbling as its mouthparts clicked and clacked together. Its forelimbs reached out, digging into the earth itself to support the creature's bulk, only now did its limbs fully feel the weight of. Perhaps it had been brought here to rest, that must have been it... It would simply rest.

As its eyestalks started to recede into their sockets, a glimmer in the distance caught the ancient creature's attention. There, beyond the distant hills, something shimmered brilliantly in the moonlight. Crabnarok, intrigued by the awe-inspiring display, reared up a bit, and despite its weakness, stood to full height to investigate the disturbance. It watched as the distant object grew closer and closer, its outline becoming more defined, its movements more noticeable. Crabnarok let out a low click as its mind began to recognize patterns in its undulating movements, whatever it was swimming through the sky like a serpent through water, its long body curling and waving and straightening as it streaked its way across the sky. Crabnarok slammed its claws against the earth, a threatening display, as the creature grew closer, its crystalline skin still shining like diamonds in the moon's heavenly glow.

Only a mile away, the creature stopped, and its body reared upwards. Its triangular head tilted downwards, its stunning blue eyes stared down at the bluffing crustacean. The creature's serpentine body curled below it, striking a formidable looking pose as its broad jaws opened slowly.

Kjeldrun's body rattled and crackled as its hardened scales scraped and clacked against another, and suddenly something unexpected happened. The crab's eye stalks retracted partially instinctively as from the air itself, shimmering objects began to appear. They grew from nothing, but within a matter of moment, large, hovering icebergs surrounded the crystalline serpent, who still stared down his terrestrial advisory. Crabnarok let out a rumbling roar, as something changed.

In an instant, the weakness in his joints melted away, as a newfound rage coursed through his form. The bringer of the end stood tall, its claws held high into the night air, as it let out an earth rattling roar. It brought its arms down, smashing the earth, sending shards of concrete and stone into the atmosphere. The serpent hissed as it moved backwards, its floating icebergs acting as effective shields from the debris. As it moved back however, it suddenly stopped as something clamped shut around its jagged tail tip. Kjeldrun let out a frightened shriek as Crabnarok's powerful crushing appendage gripped onto his opponent, and with a simple tug, pulled Kjeldrun closer to himself. As he did he reared back his other clawed limb, ready to bring it down like a guillotine blade. He swung his arm downard, but midswing, an iceberg slammed into the bladed claw's polished tip, knocking it off course and sending it harmlessly into the ground below. Crabnarok let out an annoyed rattle, but Kjeldrun was only beginning to prove how bothersome he could be.

In an instant, the thick crystalline skin that Crabnarok's claw was forcefully clamped down on became loose, and with a rapid tug, the serpentine creature lurched out of its own exoskeleton and upwards into the night air. Crabnarok watched, ice-like skin still wedged between his crushing claws, as Kjeldrun streaked high into the air. It twisted upon itself, swirling around to face its befuddled brawler of a foe. Crabnarok frustratedly tossed the shed skin of his opponent upwards, only for it to be blocked by another floating shard of ice. The serpent let out an ear-splitting hiss, and Crabnarok watched as over the course of a few moments, his opponent's glimmering skin reformed from nothingness. Crabnarok let out his own thunderous roar, a challenge to his foe who now floated out of range.

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