St. Louis

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St. Louis, USA

December 31st, 2053

11:40 AM

Mitchel Stevens stuttered as another wave of freezing rain pelted his cleanly shaven face. He looked up towards the blackened sky, the one that had been crystal clear only an hour before, and managed to catch a glimpse at a streak of crackling blue lightning as it streaked across the clouds. He looked back down to earth, and towards the growing crowd of people in front of him. He let out a breath and paused for a brief moment, before he raised the megaphone to his lips and spoke.

"Keep it moving people!" His voice was stern, but calm. The last thing he needed was to start a panic in the crowd, "there's room for everyone below, just keep moving!" He looked at the people as they passed by, he watched as they carried whatever belongings they could carry in their hands and upon their backs. He watched as young mothers and fathers pulled their children by the hands, as their young eyes stared upwards, watching, waiting. He felt the same fear they were feeling, but unlike them, he was able to keep it under the surface, for the sake of his community. He'd be the last person to enter the bunker, to make sure there weren't any stragglers left behind, he shuddered at the thought. He hadn't heard much about the two creatures that were converging on the city, only that one of them was enveloped by a storm, which given the circumstances, he probably could've put together himself. He gestured with his arms, directing the families towards the small concrete entrance, which would lead to a staircase that would descend into a safe room; most large cities in the United States had dozens of these bunkers scattered throughout. After the disaster that was Chicago and Green Bay, the federal government did everything in its remaining powers to be better prepared for the next go around.

Another streak of blue flashed across the sky, and was followed by an earth rattling clap of thunder. He really hoped whatever was on its way wasn't like Auraka or Raifitikku, for these people's sake. As the crowd shuffled along, another flash illuminated the sky, then another, and another, and another. Mitchel looked up, and nearly fell over as he gazed upon dozens upon dozens of white and blue streams of light as they streaked through the night air. They weren't light normal bolts of lightning, they were solid, pulsing, like tangles of electric wires, which rhythmically pulsed with an otherworldly power. More and more appeared, until eventually, they all converged in a singular point, merging and morphing into a single, gargantuan bolt which streaked towards the ground. But it didn't hit the ground. Over the houses and the trees, Mitchel saw it now, illuminated by the bolt. The silhouette of something, of...

A scream broke his concentration, and he turned to see a woman pointing towards the titanic beast that was now so brilliantly visible. The crowd followed her gaze, and all at once Mitchel watched as true, primal fear overtook the crowd. They began to move, men and women shoved each other aside, not caring if they trampled upon them, or upon their own loved ones. Rational left them as the creature's long, wolf-like head tilted upwards, before its jaws snapped open, and it unleashed a bone-chilling howl, loud enough to drown out the rain and the thunder and the screaming. Mitchel yelled at the crowd, and for a moment, he even considered pulling out his sidearm to settle them down, but he knew that would be pointless, there wasn't a chance in hell his firearm was going to frighten them more than whatever that monstrosity was. Mitchel moved forward, and desperately used his hands to try to push the more aggressive members of the crowd back, to prevent some horrific trampling. For his help, he received a swift punch to the nose that knocked him over and onto his ass. He shook his head, still dazed from the shot, as a new noise filled the air, over the rain and even the monster's howl.

A low, rumbling grunt came and went, then another just like it came, and another. Gabriel looked around for the source of the grunts, eventually he looked over his shoulder, and saw its source. Towards the center of town, standing amongst the buildings, briefly illuminated by the flashes from on high. Another creature, broad and bulky, unlike its more sleek and slim counterpart. He watched as the creature within the city lifted its arms, almost in a showboating sort of fashion, as the repetitive grunts came again... was it laughing at the other monster. A hiss snapped Mitchel's head back towards the first monster, who now stood upon its hindlimbs, as what appeared to be long, spiked tentacles split from its back, and raised up behind its head.

Mitchel scrambled to his feet as the canine-like creature charged forward on all fours, and sprinted towards the door to the bunker. The crowd was gone now, leaving in its wake scattered worldly possessions, and a couple motionless bodies. As he reached the door, something caught his attention. Weak against the thunderous roars and pelting rain, was a voice, a pleading voice. Mitchel turned on his heels towards where he heard the noise, and on the ground he saw an elderly man. Mitchel hesitated for a brief moment, his eyes shifted, and he caught a momentary glimpse of the battle unfolding in the city's center, of the two beasts locked in an unfathomable brawl, but as his eyes returned to the fallen man, he steeled his nerves. He sprinted forward, and reached the man within a moment. He knelt down and grabbed the man by the arm.

"Thank you thank you, god thank you!" The man praised as Mitchel hoisted him up. Mitchel turned and looked over his shoulder, just in time to see the brutish monster backhand his more streamlined foe, sending him backfirst into a building. The mammalian monster let out a mocking grunt, but was quickly cut off as the reptilian's tendrils shot upward, entangling his stocky limbs.

"Don't thank him, not just yet." Mitchel remarked as he helped the man to his feet, before carrying him off towards the bunker door, as the sounds of battle filled the night air. 

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