Der Bergmorder Vs. Nidhogg

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Nidhogg's feet crashed into the top of the Edifício Itália building, sending a plume of smoke and debris into the city streets below. Rain pleated the creature's backside as its clouded eyes scanned the skyline. The creature strained to see any movement in the darkened city, but the occasional flash of lightning, courtesy of the storm that it had formed, helped illuminate the landscape. It saw nothing of note at first, until it noticed a sudden shift in the distance. A loud crack rose over the sound of heavy rain, and the zombified monster's snapped in the sound's direction. A cloud of debris ascended into the air as an apartment building fell into ruin in the distance. It was followed by another, and another, each one closer than the last. Nidhogg's dull eyes narrowed as a choked growl escaped its infected throat. It reared back, boiling molten bile building at the back of its maw as whatever lurked below its line of sight grew closer and closer, destroying structure after structure, until, just before Nidhogg unleashed its hellish torrent, its unseen opponent stopped.

The air was still for a moment, and as seconds ticked by, Nidhogg's bile began to retreat down into its gut. Had its foe wisened up and fled? Had... Before it could even process the thought, the earth erupted from beneath the building it stood upon. Nidhogg let out a shriek of surprise and flew upwards, narrowly avoiding two pairs of bladed arms. Nidhogg watched as these arms shredded through the Italia building like wet tissue paper, and violently clawed at the air after the zombified dragon. Through the debris, Nidhogg's petrified eye fell upon the form of its opponent, or at least its silhouette. The long, worm-like creature's multiple sets of snapping jaws clacked and clashed against each other as its body writhed out of the earth, its claws swiping furiously at the flying corpse, but Nidhogg narrowly managed to avoid the aggressive barrage. Nidhogg let out a guttural cry, before its jaws closed, another boiling bile began building in its gullate. Its foe, now free from its earthly confinement, lurched forward, its mighty bladed arms swung ravenously at its opponent, but none managed to make their mark, for the zombified beast's body moved backward through the air without effort, like a plastic bag caught in the wind, its body twisted and tumbled through the rain as if it was weightless.

With a deafening series of piercing clicks, Der Bergmorder lunged forward, its bladed appendages aimed directly for the corpse's chest, but at the last possible second, Nidhogg's body twisted upon itself, narrowly dodging the strike. Der Bergmorder overextended, and it's heavy upper half fell forward, it clicked and hissed angrily as its arms pushed itself upright, right into Nidhogg's counter. The hellish orange vomit burst from Nidhogg's maw and splashed against Bergmorder's exposed head and back. The air filled with a high pitched hiss as the heavy rain sizzled upon contact with the bile. Bergmorder clicked, the bile hadn't hurt much, but the viscous liquid covered his eyes for the briefest of moments. Bergmorder's head is snapped to the side as Nidhogg's decayed paw smacked into it. More out of instinct than any sense of rational strategy, Bergmorder lurched forward, its quadruple jaws primed, yet the destroyer of mountains found itself snapping shut onto nothing, as Nidhogg's body had once again, as if pulled by invisible strings, been yoinked away from him. Bergmorder roared angrily as it twisted to face its nimble foe, only to catch the briefest glimpse of the ariel serpent's body spinning in mid-air, its long, board tail outstretched.


The board end of Nidhogg's finned tail collided with Bergmorder's armored head, sending what little bile remained on the creature's head flying off and into nearby building and parking garages. Bergmorder's body twisted to the side, but it's bladed arms shot downwards, digging themselves into the earth to slow his descent. Its head twisted back to face its opponent, its jaws gnawing at the air in a display of abject fury and malice. His sets of eyes watched as Nidhogg's body glided backwards through the dark sky away from him, and it was... laughing. A guttural guffaw escaped the putrid predator's rotted throat as it watched its opponent struggle to even scratch him. It landed without grace onto a remaining skyscraper, letting out a bone rattling shriek, as if beckoning the Antarctic beast to try again. Bergmorder adjusted its body, balancing upon its serpentine lower half the metallic monstrosity began to perform a bizarre display. It's large bladed arms stretched outward, almost like the hood of a cobra, as with a click and a hiss, a set of smaller, more humanoid arms, which had been held close to the creature's broad chest, stretched forward, their primitive finger-like ends flexing inwards and outwards. Nidhogg watched this bizarre display, lightning illuminating the scene every so often.

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