The Wraith to End All Wars Vs. The Bringer of Tears

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The bulging eyes of the hideous infant-like abomination stared daggers downwards at the rapidly approaching figure, a pained scream escaping its lipless maw as it raised its hands up. Snaking forward, The Bringer of Tears' grotesque fingers stretched at an alarming rate towards the minuscule berserker, who raised one of his arms, the one sporting a large cannon, in retaliation. A thunderous boom filled the already chaotic cacophony as a conical projectile ripped through the air, connecting with one of the infantile beast's finger tips, blasting it into bloody bits of shattered bone and splattered flesh. Bringer wailed in sudden pain, and recoiled its hands, gazing discontentedly at the bloody mess its finger had become. Confusion and pain shifted to rage and hostility as its bulbous head twisted to face the charging beast once more. Its eyes falling upon the shining, blackened figure just in time to see the figure lunging forward, fist drawn back, ready to punch the Bringer's fully developed teeth down its throat.

But then it stopped.

Halted, as if suddenly held back by invisible chains, the Wraith to end all wars let out an indescribable noise, a cacophony of a thousand voices all letting out a gasp of surprise as it found itself suspended in mid air. Its burning eyes locked with those of the Bringer's, seeing the creature's pupils dilated into obsidian black pin pricks within an ocean of deep blue, it stared at him, and him alone, as its enormous hands balled into parking lot sized fists. Surprise was quickly replaced by unfathomable rage as the Wraith swung its wrist mounted cannon forward, aimed for the gaping hole where the colossal's nose would be, but before he fire, the Bringer let out a horrific scream, and threw its head back, sending the ensnared undead flying backwards, tumbling through the atmosphere like a tumbleweed in the wind, before it crashed through a building. It felt as concrete and steel gave way, glass shattered, wood splintered, as its body was sent hurtling through the 5 star hotel like a bullet through ballistic gel. After a mere moment, he burst through the other side, its body hitting the asphalt below. He rolled with the fall, the weight of his armored form smashing cars and anyone unlucky enough to be caught underneath, before finally rolling to its feet. Ruts as wide as semi trucks were dug into the street below as the embodiment of war came to a complete halt.

The Wraith shook the dust from its armored head, and looked itself over, any damage it had taken appeared cosmetic at best, but that was enough, its jaw opened, and from within a thick, black cloud billowed out, like smog from a smoke tower. A deafening scream, followed by the ear splitting shattering of glass snapped the amalgamation up, just in time to see its opponents next attack. Stretching, writhing digits burst from the building he had just crashed through, slithering serpents of tight skin and tendons, shot forward through the air like arrows in a battlefield. That same rage, primal and all encompassing filled the wraith as it watched them come, it wanted to hurt this beast, rip it apart, limb from limb, bone from bone, its eyes burned with a hateful orange as it let out a scream, the scream of a thousand damned men, and it rushed forward to meet them digits head on, the smog surrounding its like a shroud of death.

Roaring, the Wraith lurched forward, its armored fingers reaching forward in a desperate attempt to grab this thing, tear it apart. As the tip of one of the fingers struck the Wraith in the chest, it pushed him back, burrowing his armored heels into the concrete and asphalt below, before it stopped.

The Bringer felt its finger strike the miniscule creature's chest, but as soon as it did, something far more pressing wriggled its way to the front of the infant's mind. Images of its past, of its mother, of the accident, the bodies crushed beneath its heel, burning, rotting, flashed in its mind. The images were bad, the screams, its mother's voice, wailing, shrieking in abject pain and horror, that's what pushed the infant off the edge. Its hands recoiled as it brought its palms up to its ears in an attempt to muffle the screams, but to no avail. It screamed, a pained, horrified sound that shattered the windows that surrounded it in a spectacular display. Not all of its fingers returned however.

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