Deformistella Vs. Zitora

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Zitora's jaws locked into place as the pressurized water shot forth from its mouth and towards the writhing mass of muscle and mucus that was wriggled its way toward him. It was confused as to why its shimmering display hadn't stopped this thing in its tracks, but as it watched its water beam strike the creature dead on, piercing through its seemingly soft, malleable flesh, it didn't really care. With the swift shift of its neck, it directed the beam downward, splitting the unholy creature right down the middle. An audible crack filled the air as the sea monster's jaw unlocked, and the blast of water quickly turned into a pathetic trickle. Zitora looked towards the now bisected invertebrate in the distance as its two halves squirmed around like earthworms on a rainy day, and was satisfied. Lifting its head, the titanic reptilian let out a deafening bellow, an exclamation to its decisive victory, before it began to turn away. That's when its gaze fell upon something. Turning its head back, the sea beast watched as the chunks of flesh it had thought were simply experiencing spasms before eventual rigor mortis were starting to change. It watched as in rapid succession growths of skin and muscle sprouted from the sides of the writhing meat, stretching, pulling, curling until they were fully formed, fully developed tentacles. Zitora let out an annoyed snort as the two chunks rolled to one side, their radially symmetrical forms pointed in the same direction, towards it.

The bipedal sea creature let out a low growl and decided to match their pace, it lurched forward, head low as its wide shoulders bashed through the buildings surrounding it, sending plums of grayish brown clouds outwards in all directions. The two Deforminstellas bodies whipped around, their boneless appendages thrashed outward towards the charging ultra fauna, and from the tips of these powerful limbs, a secretion shot outwards. Zitora's eyes widened as it ducked its head down, protecting its face from the unknown liquid, but as it splashed across the reptilians' slimy back, it felt no pain. Confused, the apex predator continued its charge, and within moments it was upon its much shorter foes. Zitora roared as it pounced forward, its powerful limbs outstretched, ready to crush the smaller of the two alien creatures underfoot, all the while, the twin ultra-fauna continued to spray their ooze upon it. Suddenly, in midair, the secretion that now coated much of Zitora's upper half suddenly solidified, locking the towering beast in a pouncing position, as the smaller Deformistella sloshed its to the side. Zitora's eyes widened as it crashed into the earth, unable to move its limbs to brace for impact. Its body rolled, crushing roads and buildings underfoot, sending chunks of hardened slime outwards until its body came to a complete halt. Using all its strength, the sea monster flexed its neck and limbs, cracking the hardened goo just enough for it to roll over onto its feet and stomach. It let out a low, annoyed growl, as it rose up stiffly, just as the winding tendrils of the larger of its two foes lashed out. Wrapping around the sea beast's mighty tail like a handful of constricting boas, the tentacles gripped tightly, drawing a shriek of surprise from its towering opponent. Zitora spun on its heels, lifting its tail up and swinging it around, bringing the slime covered foe along with it. The sea beast roared in triumph as the fleshy creature's bulbous body collided with the sides of mighty structures of concrete and steel, turning them into clouds of tannish dust. The tentacles around its tail remained firmly gripped to Zitora however, something the evolutionary marvel wouldn't stand for, its jowls bulged as they swelled with water, it tilted its head back, and then swung it down.

As soon as its jaws snapped open, spewing forth a pressurized blast of water, more tentacles wrapped around its lower jaw and neck, forcefully yanking the titan's mighty head to the side, The sea beast's eyes rolled in their sockets, its gaze falling upon the smaller squid and its head swiveled to face the clone. Like a knife through butter, its blasting water cleaved through the grasping tendrils, making the Deformistella let out a low, pained grumble as its body recoiled. It wasn't fast enough to completely withdraw; however, Zitora's blast stopped as it lifted its powerful limb up, before bringing it down squarely on the radially symmetrical creature's center of mass. A wet ripping noise filled the warm afternoon air as the claws of Zitora's foot stabbed directly into the flesh of the smaller creature. Nubs of flesh, once tentacles, beat against the sea monster's tree trunk-like limb as the Zitora's dragged its foot down, slashing deep gashes across the unarmored flesh of the struggling space monster. As Zitora raised its other foot up, ready to make sure this oversized octopod wouldn't get up, a tug from behind pulled it off balance, sending it tumbling downwards, chest first.

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