1. The experiment

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Doctor Maison sitting in lab at 1 am doing some work in lab alone. He is been on this experiment for last 3 days straight.

Actually we should say Maison went little crazy after Roman found his love Keith.

He is been doing some hard research to distract himself.


Some tubes busted.

Maison got up to go to see what went wrong. We see two tubes in a container.

He takes the busted tube liquid and see it under a Microscope.

"Yes" Maison said after watching few bacterial moving around.

After 5 days

Ring ring

"Hello Maison" Noris pics up a call.

"Hello Noris, I wanted to ask you when is Roman planning to visit the lab I wanted to show him something" Maison said he has been trying to reach Roman for a while now but couldn't get in contact.

"I am still not sure, you'll get to know soon" Noris said as he hung up the phone.

"Crazy guy" Maison said in frustrated tone.

After 3 weeks

Roman has finally reached the bullet towers.

Maison has patiently waited for this day.

Maison tried to explain Roman everything he wanted to do through this experiment to challenge nature though his efforts.

Maison was so excited explaining how he wanted to experiment on male. On people even tho he knew that's it's dangerous and people could die but he cannot help but to risk peoples life just to prove his theory.

Roman heard him without interrupting him.

"So Sir what do you think" Maison asked Roman.

"I think if everything goes according to my plan I can start experiment by next week" Maison said.

"Are you out of your mind" Roman yelled.

"I am not allowing you to work further on this project close it all and submit your work now or else it will be punishable" Roman said in flierse voice.

"But Sir why" Maison asked.

"It's risky Maison you yourself said" Roman argued as he wasn't a unreasonable person.

"But I can bring new life into the world" Maison said.

"No means no Maison I am not permitting you to work on this project further" Roman said and walked out.

Maison collapsed there on the floor in disappointment.

After 4 months

Nathan is working in buttel towers for 1 month now he has been assigned a work through Roman.

Nathan and Maison are best friend now as in bad days when Nathan was punished by Roman for betraying him. Nathan couldn't speak but only Maison was the one who saved Nathan's life.

Nathan is in relationship with Norise now it's been two years they are together.

Nathan is glad Roman didn't kill him and gave him a chance or else he wouldn't be able to find out that Noris loved him for a long time.

They are happy together living there life to the fullest.

Nathan is now totally comfortable to work with Keith to they are consided good friends now.

That night when everyone celebrated Doctor Maison birthday.

After getting drunk.

Nathan gave his words to doctor Maison that he would do anything maison wants him to as he is alive because of him living a happy life with Norise.

Both went to there respective bedrooms.

At night after lying down in bed Maison realizes something that Nathan said.

"I can do anything for you my life saver" Nathan's voice echo in Maison's head.

Next day

During lunch time.

Nathan came to sit beside Maison. Both talked. When Nathan went to take juice from the counter Maison put a tablet in Nathan water.

After lunch that went to there respective works.

At dinner time.

Nathan came to Maison and told him he has pain in his throat where he was injected 2 years ago.

Maison told Nathan to come to the lab first think in the morning he will do some test to and check him up to.

Nathan went in the morning and Maison took his blood samples, urine samples, in different tubes.

Nathan was confused but he trusted Maison so he didn't question him any further on.

After 3 days.

Nathan was fine now and was back to work.

Maison said it was just some side effects of drug used on him so it's nothing to be worried about.

'My god I can't believe it he is a perfect fit for my experiment if I do it on him I can prove my theory to Roman that I can do it' Maison said.

Maison tricked Nathan and took his samples to check that can be really be a perfect person to test his experiment and it turns out Nathan is best person to experiment on.

Maison acting like a crazy scientice doesn't even care about his friends life but all he cares about to prove his theory.

Maison called Norise to ask for permission as he wanted to take Nathan out for drinks to the subway outside bulleten tower.

There is a hospital near by where they travel now days when men want to realise them self they come to these city often. As it's closest to bullet towers for now.

Norise trusts Maison a lot so he allows Maison and Nathan to go there to party.

Maison took Nathan for a drink in a bar. Other people went to have sex with women.

Maison made Nathan sit down to take drink.

"Hey give me two orange juice" maison said.

Waiter gave him orange juice.

Maison put a tablet of Anesthesia.

Maison put it on the table.

Both men drank juice tho Nathan water to drink alcohol but Maison said he wanted to try some juice first so Nathan accompanied him.

In no time Nathan fainted.

Maison took him into the cab.

Norise called so Maison said it's boys night and no boyfriends can disturb so Norise agreed.

Maison hired a operation theatre from one of the local hospital.

Nathan was took inside and Maison did a mini surgery in his abdominal.

Next morning

Nathan woke up.

Maison pretended to be very worried.

He told Nathan that last night they got drunk and few bullies tried to rob him and Nathan got a huge cut in his abdomenal so he was taken to the hospital for treatment.

Nathan felt odd as he had no memory of drinking at all.

*To be continued*

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