23. Stressed Day

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Note - I'll clear this out before starting. My story I made clear that this is Keith and Roman 4 years of there Relationship. According to that Mac and Nan has been in relationship for 5 years and Day and Itt for 7 years there will be appearance of Day Itt child of 7.5 months that they are right now planning in book 5. And Mac Nan stayed with a girl name Tang so her son Tog will be in this story to.

Nathan was getting ready in frount of the mirror. He looked like a pregnant man. Nathan was nervous what if Keith's friends make fun of him or would he be humiliated.

Nathan was very nervous at his moment.

Noris entred.

"Are you ready" Noris asked.

Nathan nodded.

"Baby don't be nervous you look great" Norise said.

"Stay with me na" Nathan said.

"I'll stay with you why are you so worried" Noris asked.

He rubbed his belly.

"I look weird don't I" Nathan asked.

"You look very beautiful see these red cheeks due to your pregnant you look much more handsome see see" Noris point out to mirror.

Nathan smile on his boyfriend efforts.

"Let's go" Nathan said with a smile.


Keith entred everyone was sitting.

Nan was sitting looking at his screen.

Mac was sitting down taking to Itt.

Tong was sitting playing with car's. He is 3 years old.

"Hey guys where is Day?" Keith asked.

"He went inside Emma wanted a cookie" Nan said.

"Listen up guys, my friend is coming he is pregnant 6 months" Keith said.

"What" everyone said together.

"Guys I know it's due to a crazy scientist experiment in Roman's lab but don't ask him to much he is very sensitive" Keith said.

"Tell me his number I'll also try it with Mac" Nan said.

"Who said I wanted your baby I am to tired of taking care of Tog already" Mac replied.

"Car" Tog got up to show Mac his little red car. Mac smiled stroking Tog head who showed his two bunny teeth. Then he ran towards Nan to show him car.

"I don't want any more kids, I am too tired see I even have back eyes now" Itt said.

"No worries we will treat him kindly" Nan replied to Keith.

Keith leaves to prepare for race.

After some time.

Day entred with a 7.5 months old kid wearing a pink frock with a unicorn soft toy in his hand with hand had cookie.

Day put Emma down on the floor beside Tog to play.

"Hia you look good" Nan teased.

Day looks tired.

"Day don't make that face last 4 days you were busy in shop you didn't take care of Emma at all you know she cried all night I took her now it's your turn" Itt said.

Nathan NorisWhere stories live. Discover now