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Did you find the girl?_Mingyu asked while painting those eyes of her. But none of them replied. I don't like when anyone doesn't answer my question.After hearing that a soldier replied wth disappointing face but it didn't affect Mingyu in fact  he ordered them calmly to find her immediately by painting the lips which reminds him of that scene when his and her eyes locked in that tub.

Wonhee?_Hong Jisoo called her and she was so frightened,What are you doing here ?_she asked acting her best not make any mistake.
Here to check so don't worry and let me fulfill my duty, the people who were behind him started searching but Jisoo's gaze was fixed on Wonhee.
Why are you sweating?_he asked after taking out a handkerchief for her. Me ? I...I'm feeling hot_Jisoo stared at her in disbelief and ordered the soldiers to check properly.After a while all of those men came back to Jisoo with disappointing face but Jisoo was not satisfied as he felt she was hiding something.He ordered everyone to leave , after everyone left he started checking the house by himself. He started looking at everything until his attention stucked to a drum. What's in that ?_Jisoo asked . It's empty _Wonhee said nervously and Jisoo smiled stepping towards it but a scream came from a room.Jisoo took his sword out and Wonhee was now scared. Joshua smirk turned into a big smile , the satisfaction that nothing could have give him now .

I knew it_he said but Wonhee interrupted , Please don't do anything to her_she said holding his arms, Why do you care for her?_Jisoo asked and she kept quiet. Wonhee, there's no one here except for me so don't worry I won't tell anyone that you helped her and you will be safe .

You want to take me so take me but  let me hug her_Meiying said and hugged her while whispering,  Please take care of both of them and don't let them to do anything which will bring trouble.

After breaking the hug she looked at Jisoo and requested him Please don't harm her.

I will never she is my friend afterall , now come with me_he said grabbing her and she nodded and quickly left as she was afraid thinking Minghao and Sarang can also get caught because of her and left the house quickly and quietly.She knew that if they hear her then both of them will come out and surrender themselves.

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