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She's with me , the head maid wanted to meet her_by saying this Wonhee took Sarang with her inside the kingdom and her mouth was opened widely . Last time she couldn't even look properly when she entered inside the kingdom.

She waited outside when Wonhee entered the room to meet the head maid and soon Wonhee called her to come inside .

She was kinda scared how the woman was looking at you. The woman asked you few questions and you gave the memorized answer . She did perfectly the way Wonhee taught you. The woman looked satisfied.

You don't look like us , your face , your features, your hair , your skin . You don't have the potential to be a maid , anyone will think that you're from royal family _Wonhee looked nervous but Sarang was taking it as a compliment as nobody ever told this and she was more proud of herself as she remembered that guy who also said similar thing but her outfit made that guy clear that she was a normal girl.She thought maybe she came from future that's why her looks look elegant. She was proud of her skincare routine which she was missing a lot because she don't have any products with her anymore.

She flinched when the lady touched her hair ,Your hair_begore the lady could say anything more Wonhee inturupted her . She was from a wealthy family not royals _Wonhee lied. What happened to her family?_that lady asked looking at Wonhee. One of her uncle deceived her parents which led them to misery.

Aigoo_the lady felt bad for her. I don't want her to be a maid , will you work as a gardener?_she asked Sarang and Sarang looked at Wonhee and Wonhee signalled her and Sarang nodded in yes. Shift your stuff here soon then _Sarang widden . She'll live with me, until her family problems don't get solved she'll stay with me_Wonhee inturupted and Sarang was shocked how this lady doesn't object anything over Wonhee's words , she thought maybe Wonhee works in a good position that's why the lady listens her word.

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