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Minghao tied something on his head which Wonhee gave her to look like other men but his hair style was the problem that he still doesn't look like other men. Because of his looks he couldn't go out at daytime . So while taking the luggages with him he saw an old man on his way with Wonhee. The man asked Wonhee ,What are doing here alone young lady at this time ?Wonhee looked back at Minghao who was little slow. I'm not alone he's with me _the man then realised Minghao . What are these ?_the man asked curiously. These are trash_Minghaobsaid and that old man moved forward and before crossing Minghao he said , Walk infront of your lady, man should always walk infront of their wife so that they can be safe , protect your wife _by saying this the man left and Minghao was shocked. Wonhee laughed, He thought you are my _by saying this she laughed again and keep walking again without looking back again and Minghao smiled a bit from her back without her noticing.

Sarang smiled after opening the luggage where she found her clothes, she had her backpack from a long time and now she have her luggage also . But still she was sad about her computer. She thought what can she give to that guy and bring her camera back again . She suddenly opened her bag which she didn't open after taking the camera out. She took everything out and suddenly smiled widely as she found something which she thought she can give to him.

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