Chapter 12: At risk

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Henry's POV:
"Shit! I'm still stuck!!" Henry muttered.
"Hey boss, we're all out of- what's going on??" Sally
giggled as she entered his office.
"Nothing you need to know, but if you untie me I'll
help you get whatever we need back in stock" Henry
"I'll untie you once you tell me what's going on
between you and William" Sally said.
"We're gonna be married and expecting little half
British Emily kittens soon" Henry smiled.
"That's adorable, now can I stay on day shift?" Sally
"No, instead you can leave me tied up and I'll
forward William's harassment complaint against you
to the police and provide them evidence with audio and security footage once I'm free" Henry said.
Sally went up to the computer that conveniently
froze as soon as she tried to mess with it.
She got mad and started cussing while hitting and spamming the keyboard, trying to unfreeze it without any success.
"I can tell you how to unfreeze it faster if you untie me" Henry chuckled.
Sally furrowed her brows and frowned at Henry in defeat, as she reluctantly untied him.
Once Henry was free, he pushed her away, held both of her wrists together with one hand, and held her feet down by stepping firmly on both with one foot as he completely shut his computer off.
"Now what did you say we ran out of Sally?" Henry
asked with a smile as he let her go.
"We're nearly out of all the basics boss" Sally said.
"Check the supply closet then" Henry said
"I already did and there's literally almost nothing there" Sally said
"Okay then, let's go check again, you better not be wasting my time here Sally" Henry sighed, getting up from his chair and leaving his office.
"I'm not boss, I swear!!" Sally stammered, as she followed behind Henry.
Henry looked around the nearly empty supply closet in disbelief and turned to Sally with a blank expression.
"See boss, I told you it was almost empty in here" Sally said.
"They're might be extra somewhere in the locker rooms then, you go check the women's, and I'll go check the men's" Henry said.
Sally nodded and they left the supply closet, parting ways once they reached the locker room entrances.
Henry angrily barged inside the men's locker room as soon as he vaguely heard William's voice having a conversation with another male employee behind the door.
His face turned red and he fumed with jealousy upon seeing William happy and content with being held in Steve's warm fatherly embrace.
Henry purposely slammed the door behind him, hoping that it'd startle the two men apart, and it did.
"It's not what you're thinking Henry I swear!!" William stammered.
"There you are Mr. Afton! I was looking for you, please report back to my office this instant!" Henry scolded, marching over to William.
Steve stepped infront of William and gave Henry a
nasty glare.
"I'll fire you if you try anything with me Steve" Henry sternly said, glaring back with his arms crossed.
"I haven't said anything to you or laid a hand on you boss, why would you wanna get rid of your best HVAC technician?" Steve asked calmly.
"We'll continue this discussion in private tomorrow Steve.
Mr. Afton needs to report back to my office because I've promoted him to my personal assistant and secretary" Henry said.
"But we all miss him boss, you can't just hide him away from us, he's a great worker and delightful to be around!!" Steve snapped.
"Fine, what will it be then Mr. Afton? Working alongside me with your new promotion or continue working alongside the rest of the crew?" Henry asked.
"Working alongside the rest of the crew because it positively impacts my work experience and enhances my performance" William said.
"Okay William, I hope you're happy with your decision, but I'm just a knock away if you change your mind, now you and Steve need to get out of here and get back to work" Henry said.
"Yeah Henry, I don't think I'll change my mind anytime soon, bye bye now!" William chuckled, as he left. Steve followed behind William, also leaving. They went in the kitchen to service one of the broken down refrigerators.
"Yay you're back!!" The kitchen crew cheered.
"Yeah it's only been a couple hours but I really missed you lot" William chuckled, hugging everyone.
"FUCK!!" Henry shouted in the empty locker room, kicking over two full trash cans.
"Don't think you got away from me Willy, I'll still listen to your every word and watch your every move from afar" Henry muttered.
A sudden knock startled him out of his pacing and muttering, and he reluctantly went to answer it.
"I checked every inch of the women's locker room and what we need isn't there either" Sally said.
"Well there's not much we can do about that until the next orders arrive, so now you're on parking lot duty" Henry said.
"That sounds pointless boss, what am I supposed to do in the parking lot?" Sally asked.
"You'll kick out loiterers, vandals, dumpster divers, smokers, drunks, junkies, and homeless people" Henry sighed.
Sally left the men's locker room, and released an annoyed sigh because she wasn't paid enough for this shit, and Henry had just put her safety at risk.

Poor Afton's Pregnancy (Mpreg) | (Willry/Helliam)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang