Chapter 23: Poisoned myself to keep us apart

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Maybe I'll stay at his home tonight and be a cunt, he'd probably love that, William thought chuckling to himself, as he packed a duffel bag with a couple boxers and pairs of socks, an extra uniform, and his makeup and shower kit.
"What's taking you so long Willy?!" Henry called out.
"Nothing!" William called back, grabbing his knife, laptop, and phone.
"Aww, now you're finally comfortable with me" Henry chuckled at William bringing his stuff.
"Not really, I just want to be annoying at your home in return to see how you like it" William scoffed.
"I'd love it, I've missed your brattiness and carefree spirit Willy" Henry chuckled.
"You'd think so until I actually move in and pop out 5 mini Afton's" William chuckled.
"It's okay Willy, I can handle both you and them" Henry chuckled, helping William with his bag.
"It's nice in here, holy shit!" William gasped, as he got in the passenger seat of Henry's truck.
"It's actually 5 years old if you can believe that" Henry chuckled, getting inside his truck.
"Really?? There's no way in hell, you're lying!!" William laughed, closing his door and buckling up.
"No I'm not, I take it to the car wash once a week and get the inside detailed every 3 months" Henry said, also closing his door and buckling up.
"You've always been a fucking clean freak" William laughed, as Henry started the car and backed out.
"And you've always been a hot mess, but it's apart of your charm" Henry chuckled, driving out of the sketchy apartment parking lot.
"That's another reason why I shouldn't live in your house, I'll literally leave my underwear all over your bathroom floor" William chuckled.
"No you won't, wanna know why?" Henry chuckled.
"Not really, why?" William asked.
"Because I'll throw it all outside the window on a hot, humid, rainy, windy day" Henry chuckled.
"That's literally so stupid and gross Hen" William sighed.
"Exactly, just like caking up the floor with your dirty underwear. I'll just get you a special laundry bin for it, don't worry" Henry laughed.
"Why would I want to separate my dirty underwear from the rest of my dirty clothes? That's pointless and counterintuitive Hen" William scoffed.
"Fine, I just wanted to sniff your suppressed pheromones, happy??" Henry sighed.
"Ahahahahahaha bloody hell, you're pathetic Hen!!" William laughed hard, to the point of his face looking like strawberry milk.
"If you sniffed it from my sense of smell, you'd understand Willy" Henry said.
"Yeah I don't reckon I want to understand" William chuckled.
"You're scared of your own pheromones and sweat?" Henry chuckled.
"I'm not scared, they smell too strong and give me a headache sometimes" William sighed.
"Oh yeah, I remember you getting migraines since you were 10 going on 11 years old" Henry said.
"You were like my nurse whenever they happened" William chuckled.
"See, I handled you with care back then, and I'll keep doing so to this day" Henry said smiling, gently cupping and rubbing circles into William's knee with his thumb.
"Haha! That tickles Hen!!" William laughed.
"It's nice to hear you laugh when it's not at me or because of a mean remark you said" Henry chuckled.
"I won't forget that time you fell into a beehive on your bum after you ate the last of my powdered mini donuts" William laughed.
"Oh my god, that was horrible, I thought you abandoned me until you came back running with my parents behind you" Henry cringed.
"I wasn't gonna let you die like that kid on the movie My Girl, that shit was traumatizing" William said.
"Who the hell even wrote that movie for Christ sake?! It still makes me shudder" Henry cringed.
"It really scarred me more than squeezing your hands as you cried on the emergency room table" William said.
"My dad had a panic attack in the same room, my mom and another doctor thought he was having a stroke at first" Henry said.
"I remember, I kept thinking that it should've been Vincent in his place" William said.
"I'm sorry he abandoned you and left you to struggle for 4 years, I still wish you would've unblocked me and reached out, I would've understood and taken you back in a heartbeat" Henry said.
"I contemplated it, but my fear of how your ruts changed you was too strong, so I pushed you out of my thoughts as much as possible, be it by studying at home and uni or drinking day and night" William sighed, cupping his face in his hands.
"You poisoned yourself for 3 years straight just to forget about me and keep us apart?!" Henry cried.
"It was easier to self harm and keep busy, than to make myself vulnerable to you and get pregnant" William said.
"We don't have to have kittens right now, we can have them 10 years later down the line" Henry said.
"I wish you would've just told me that instead of making me uncomfortable with what you said before your rut suppressants kicked in" William huffed.
"You'll be more comfortable with my kinky side once both of our suppressants wear off" Henry chuckled.
William released a groan and silently pouted for the rest of the car ride.

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