Chapter 19: Everyone farts in their sleep Willy

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Henry was furious and crying over William making fun of him.
His former best friend went from mischievous and playful to calculated and hateful.
He was still turned on by him and in love with him despite his disrespect.

Back at Y/N's house:
"Sorry for taking long but I'm done now, what's so funny?" Y/N chuckled.
"Come here, you've gotta see this Y/N!!" William laughed, nearly falling off the recliner.
Y/N looks at the screen as William scrolls through his and Henry's exchanged text messages.
Y/N burst into laughter at the last part with William.
"Ha! You hurt his feelings so bad he hasn't sent you anymore texts!!" Y/N laughed.
"I'm okay with that, it seems like I finally deterred him" William chuckled, until his phone vibrated.
"Oh no you spoke too soon!" Y/N laughed.
I cried you an entire bath, please come home Willy, Henry texted.
"That's your cue to go torture him in person, I hope you're still knife ready" Y/N chuckled.
"Always, my late Welsh mum taught me to always carry a weapon" William said.
"Smart, again thanks for saving me, I hope we meet in the future" Y/N said.
"You're welcome Y/N, I hope to meet you again too" William said.
Y/N walked him out and they exchanged goodbyes again before William drove away.

William's POV:
After a fairly long drive, William eventually made it home and let out a groan upon seeing Henry's truck still in the parking lot.
Despite having his apartment key, William stomped over to his front door and pounded on it until Henry opened it.
"Move it fucker!!" William yelled, taking his shoes off, pushing past Henry, and slamming the door shut.
"Someone's in a mood" Henry chuckled, giving William a few butt spanks.
William turned to face Henry, undid his own belt, wrapped it around Henry's neck, and increasingly tightened it.
"You don't get to go unpunished just because you're an alpha" William said.
Henry loosened and removed the belt when William wasn't looking, and started whooping him from the waist down with it.
"You're only making me angrier darling, please put my belt down" William said coldly and calmly with a toothy grin.
Henry swung the belt again only for it to be snatched by William and flung across the room.
"I warned you cuntface" William chuckled deviously, as he untucked and unbuttoned his shirt.
Henry was briefly mesmerized by William's slightly toned chest and stomach.
"I'm afraid you won't get to enjoy the view for much longer darling" William laughed, unbuttoning, unzipping, and taking off his pants.
"I'd love to do more than enjoy it" Henry chuckled.
"That won't be arranged darling" William said, sliding off his shirt, wrapping it around Henry's face, and covering his nose and mouth.
Oh fuck he's trying to kill me!! Shit what do I do?!, Henry internally panicked.
Henry reached behind his back, felt around until he felt William's waistband, stuck his hand down William's boxers, and pulled out his pocketknife.
"!! Give that back right now!!" William panicked and growled, dropping his shirt.
"No it has your dna and pheromones all over it, I think I'll keep it" Henry chuckled.
"Good luck using that to pleasure yourself, because I'm not giving you my mouth, hands, cock, and ass" William said sternly.
"Bold of you to assume that I'm still in the mood to touch myself Willy" Henry sighed.
"I'd ask what changed, but I really don't give a shit" William said, pulling down and taking off his boxers.
"So now you wanna tease huh? Now that I'm not in the mood..unbelievable!!" Henry huffed.
"Stripping nude isn't always for seductive purposes you fucking perv, I'm going to take a shower" William said, rolling his eyes.
"Oh, in that case, wait for me then!" Henry called out, running outside and coming back with his luggage from his earlier return trip.
"Geez Henry, are you moving in or what after all that shit you talked earlier?" William sighed, taking off his socks.
"Into this dump? Nah, it's ghetto as hell and pretty unsafe, you should just break your lease, and come live with me instead" Henry said.
"I don't want to live with you Henry, you've become creepy and annoying, and you look like you snore and fart" William said.
"Everyone farts in their sleep Willy, I've heard yours many times as kids, but who cares? It didn't deter me from wanting to kiss you before you left" Henry laughed.
"Shut up Henry!!" William huffed, blushing pink with embarrassment.
"You're so embarrassed that you forgot you're standing here before me naked!" Henry chuckled, shaking his head.
"Yeah what about it? We're adults now, I don't really care if you look, I just don't want you to touch me" William said.
"Fine, but no promises Willy" Henry sighed, taking off his shoes and socks.

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