A Journey Begins: Act Three

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Act Three:

While everyone is travelling, Francis pulls out the talisman Lord Eld gave him, pondering about it for a while.

[Francis:] I wonder what importance this thing will have in the future?

[Goldane:] I'm certain you will figure it out when the time is right.

[Francis:] I hope we don't encounter more danger during this trip.

[Goldane:] Oh, I assure you, we will be far from danger as this journey continues. You can never ask for no more danger, it will always be around to oppose you.


Somewhere in a darker forest region, Dark Skull leaps down from the trees above. Following him were a few companions of his, all dressed in black, wearing masks to cover their mouths, and each had a different type of weapon on their arms.

Dark Skull sniffs the air. Through his vision he could see many scent colors. He picks the brownest scent, indicating it belongs to Francis.

[Dark Skull:] The Dawnbreaker is in this direction...Move out!

Dark Skull and his companions pace themselves quickly through the forest, cutting down any vegetation in the way. Francis' group completely unaware they are being tracked.


Francis and company settle down where mountains were standing in the distance.

[Francis:] So you and Lightblade are finally peaceful with each other huh?

[Bonnie:] Yeah, we respect each other, and I think I'm officially done with trying to figure out what he is hiding.

[Francis:] Good... respect is important, especially to those who like to keep their secrets to themselves.

[Bonnie:] I am curious about that talisman Lord Eld gave you after we left Veilas.

[Francis:] Me too, I wonder what this did for my father and grandfather before me?

[Felix:] Well, whatever t'at magnificent shiny object did, Me hope it dos ye good lad.

[Charlotte:] You have a magnificent shiny object too you know?

[Felix:] T'at supposed ta be humorous Charlotte?

[Charlotte:] No, just pointing it out.

[Bonnie:] Oh quit your lying Charlotte. We all know you're not very funny.

[Charlotte:] Well, you are not funny yourself if you failed to remember.

[Felix:] Ye all know me be very funny.

[Francis:] I believe you on that.

[Bonnie:] Pssh yeah right, you can't make me laugh Piraton.

[Felix:] Oh yeah! Ten try not ta loff at tis.

Felix began doing a funny pirate dance that had Francis, Bonnie, and Charlotte laughing.

[Bonnie:] Ok...you win Foxy you win.

[Mr. Chipper:] That was great! Do it again do it again!

Francis, Bonnie, Felix, and Charlotte just stare at Mr. Chipper who had an annoying laugh. Mendo approached Goldane ,who was sitting on top of a rock looking towards the mountains.

[Mendo:] Goldane, the road we have been treading on for the last couple of days is too long. Also, we are heading into open territory where we could be ambushed at any time, and the worst part is there are many tornadoes present.

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