Throne Of The World: Act Three

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[Francis:] My father had a saying: The people of your house come first.

Francis was disguised as a normal citizen passing by all the poor people.

[Francis:] This is the key element we've been missing. It is why the people never rebelled. It's because we focused too much on ourselves that we forgot about the people.

Francis notices homeless citizens being taken away by guardsmen.

[Francis:] We need to show them love and care. That is how we can start a rebellion; by helping the people. Just like my father before me, he always cared for those living in his kingdom. Now it is my turn to do the same.

Francis gives some poor people food.

[Tort:] Ok, so where's the part where we talk about dethroning Red Bear?

[Nehemiah:] Tort, please have respect.

[Tort:] I'm just asking.

[Francis:] I'm getting there, but we need to focus on starting this rebellion. And that lies within the people.

Sami and his followers were cornered by some hounds until Francis comes in to take them out.

[Francis:] I will speak with Sami to help spread the word that a rebellion is coming. He will be our main instigator.

Sami and some of his followers drew a crowd of citizens while speaking about Francis' revolution. Slowly, the citizens show some backbone against their superiors, despite the consequences.

[Francis:] Once the rebellion gains strength, that is when we make our move on Red Bear. From what I can tell, he's doubled the defenses around the kingdom, So we need to play this smart. The remainders of the regime will draw out most of Red Bear's subordinates and give us the opportunity we need.

[Lolly:] What do you have planned?

[Francis:] From what I've seen, the main entrance into the castle is guarded by two big five-set canons powered by a tower at the far west side of the castle's wall. It uses moonlight to charge up the canons with tremendous firepower. I won't even forget to mention the large number of guardsmen by the entrance. Priority number one is to disable the tower so I can gain access through the main doorway unharmed.

[Felix:] Me and Charlotte will do it.

[Lolly:] You sure you guys want to take that mission?

[Charlotte:] I'm sure we'll do fine.

[Felix:] No need to worry about us Lolly. Me a member o ta Black-Roger family, remember?

[Lolly:] Right, so what can I do?

[Francis:] Best you stay here Lolly. You need to recover fully.

[Lolly:] But I wanna get in the action to... I'll be fine trust me.

[Charlotte:] He's right Lolly.

[Felix:] Aye, me dun won ta see ye hurt.

Lolly frowns as her ears go down.

[Francis:] Ok, so Felix and Charlotte will disable the tower. Once the tower is disabled, I will march into Red Bear's throne room. Nehemiah and Tort will free our imprisoned friends. I'm sure all the commotion will distract Nifsara and the majority of her guardsmen.

[Nehemiah:] With all due respect, can you really stand against all the forces within Red Bear's castle?

[Francis:] Don't worry, I think I'll manage. After all this does feel like the definitive moment for me. Goldane told me that I had to stand on my own. As a future king, that is what I intend to do.

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