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Me: Hiii~ Chapter 1 is here~! The image above is Melody my OC! Ignore her arm/hand qwq it isn't perfect. qwq Enjoy~

Read this! -->  Remember! Not everything in this story is accurate! So I mostly guess, or made it up to fit the plot/idea!


The day that I saw him was the day that changed my life, his beauty memorized me. From his pale blond locks that framed his pale skin to those cute rosy cheeks, most of all my favorite feature he has is his eyes they reminded me of gold so beautiful and bright. His other special feature I adore seeing every day is his smile, oh dear lord his smile is something I crave every day. I know it may seem like I'm being a weirdo or creep...a stalker, but every time I got up the courage to fly towards his normal places he was talking to his twin brother, I would stop second guessing myself and decided to hide.

The angels all were having trouble telling which one was Micheal and Lucifer, but me...it's easy. The way his eyes light up when he watches the human world with his powers sitting on a cloud, he's always finding ducks that he created, it's adorable really. And the way he smiles, I can tell instantly and Micheal is slightly taller than Lucifer. I yearn to talk to him, to tell him I admire him and his work on creating such beautiful things, like those cute adorable ducks. The thing that stops me from saying hi to him or the other archangels is the angels are not allowed to talk to any of the higher-ups without giving them a message, or they talk to the normal angels.

Truthfully, I don't care to get in trouble or be punished. I felt drawn towards the brightest star out of all the archangels, and what's more, I was born in heaven as a known defect because of my wings. I was born with four wings, not one, it's unheard of and looked down upon so I'm not allowed to do...anything.

My parents, tossed me aside the moment I opened my eyes. Saying I was a failure and a mistake. They didn't last long in Heaven after that, Sera one of the higher-ups found out after she and Emily found me balling my little lungs out. So, yeah in a way Sera is like my mom and I owe her so much for raising me. Emily is like a sister to me, and we share everything even my yearning to talk to Lucifer. She has been my rock, always encouraging me to go talk to him while she would distract his twin brother, but I would 'chicken out' as I call it.

Will I EVER have the courage to say hi to him? I always have a bright smile on my face when I wake up and watch him from afar, but when I head home I am sad and feel pathetic and that ends up with me sobbing to Emily and she will comfort me.


Three Months Later

Today wasn't a good day for me, I kept trying to fly to him or walk to him OR at least wave at him with a smile on my face...heh, you know what happens I turn back around when I was so CLOSE! I stood behind him as he watched the human world with his powers while sitting cross-legged on the cloud, but I didn't wish to bother him cause he laughed so softly that it caused my heart to skip a beat I turned and quickly flew away hoping he didn't hear my frantic escape with my wings. What I didn't know was he turned around seeing me flying away, with confusion.

So, today I decided to stop...it pains my heart knowing I made myself not go see him today, I am at Emily's and my favorite spot sitting on a cloud with my legs dangling, swinging back and forth slightly.

"Mel! Mel!!"

I snapped out of my deep sad thoughts at Emily's excited voice, I turned my head to the left side to see Emily flying towards me landing on the cloud and plopping down smiling like she was ready to explode like those human volcanos when it explodes. I raise my eyebrow, smiling slightly.

His First Love (Lucifer x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora