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Me: Hiii~ Chapter 4 is here~! Enjoy~

Warning!! Swearing!! (Adam being Adam xD)


Ever since I was little I was a curious little thing, asking many questions. It may annoy others, but my mother and Emily were happy to answer every question I asked. I was always so curious about what God looked like, and what kind of person he was. Like; is he 'nice', 'cold'? But when I grew I never thought of what God was like long ago, and just lived out my life growing up. So I was in shock at the tall man sitting on his golden throne, smiling kindly at me. He reminded me so much of Lucifer, but the only difference was that his hair was long in a low ponytail that went over the front of his shoulder, and he had a blue cute bowtie.

Lucifer stood behind me, placing his hand on my back and pushing me forward gently. ushering me to get closer. I cautiously and shyly walk closer, keeping my head down feeling so nervous. I have my hands clasped together in front of my stomach. What do I say? Oh gosh, I didn't want to say anything afraid I would offend him. I was snapped out of my frantic mind when a hand was placed under my chin and gently lifted my head, to stare into God's glowing golden eyes, which reminded me of Lucifer's golden eyes. His eyes held nothing but kindness, strength, love, and calmness.

And some reason I felt calm, my nervousness left my soul. I felt calm, was that his doing? He chuckles snapping me out of my thoughts once again. He let my chin go, placing his hands behind his back and smiling at me with such warmth.

"It's such an honor to finally meet you, my child. I hoped someday I would get to meet the four-winged angel, I blessed her parents."

I was flabbergasted, he was 'honored' to meet me? I wave my arms in front of me, blushing shyly.

"N-no, it's me that should feel honored to finally meet my Lord." I quickly bow.

"Now, now. No need to bow, child. My son explained to me -- even though he did not need to, since I'm all-seeing. You want to know your reason to exist, yes?"

I nodded, looking at him nervously.

"Please, sir...Why did you bless my parents with me and my four wings? I'm not complaining or anything, but...why?" My voice cracked at 'why', seeing his eyes soften with guilt in his eyes.

He grabs my chin gently in his hand "I made sure each soul I created or helped create by blessing some angels, or humans a miracle as they call my blessings. Each soul has a role to play, it's all up to that human or angel to figure it out. I can't tell you because even I -- a god, have his limits."

I frown at his words, furrowing my brows thinking. "I see...why did you give me four wings, sir? What's the reason why I have four, and not two?"

He chuckles letting my chin go to rub my head with such affection, like a father to his child.

"I'm afraid I can't say much because it is part of your role child. But I can say, it'll come clean someday. But never forget who you are, and never give up hope little one. I have high hopes for your success in the future, and about being friends with my son I'll make sure it is allowed. It brings me joy to see my son Lucifer so happy."

I beamed at him, I had this...charge in before thinking, so...yeah. I was hugging God...I paled realizing what I was doing. I squeaked out and jumped back apologizing blushing covering my face. Hearing both God AND Lucifer laughing, I uncovered my face pouting at the two. I folded my arms bringing my bottom lip out more, looking away from the two.

"Aw, come on Flowers~ You can't deny that was hilarious. You hugging my dad 'God' of all people, with no hesitation that no one has the guts to do." Lucifer points out to me, chuckling.

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