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Me: Hiii~ Chapter 2 is here~! I'm surprised this story has already has 24+ views, I'm shell-shocked owo' But I'm happy people like it, but if you don't like it, that's fine it won't offend me or anything. I'm srry it's not to your liking/taste, but I hope you do find some stories to your liking ^^ Anyway, please, Enjoy~


When I came home, Emily begged for details. I pouted when I realized, she knew all along. I want to be upset with her but at the same time, I should be thanking her. So I went into every detail that went down, and how he made me this cute rubber ducky -- and I showed her all giddy manner. I was shocked but happy he made me -- a peasant-like rank angel, who was even below normal angels because of my defect, a cute rubber duck. Emily was happy for me, saying I overcame my shyness just a little bit and finally got to say 'hi' to him. Which, she is right, and I felt more confident. I will head to that same spot where he always heads to and talk to him more, and maybe this time I won't get tongue-tied like minutes ago.

Emily flew off to her small house, and I went to the house Sera lives in. Since she took me in, and she is now my adopted mother. She is stern and very strict, but she is the best mom ever I'm too nervous to call her such a title believing I'll be offending her if I ever called her 'mom', so I just keep it in my mind. After cooking dinner for mother and me, I brushed my teeth and went to bed excited for tomorrow.



When I woke up I got cleaned up, showered, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair then put my lavender hair with darker highlights in a high ponytail, with flower petals that are white around my hair around my ponytail. I got my white long dress on, tying a golden bow around my neck, tying it behind my neck instead of the side or front. I slipped on my flat shoes, rushed outside jumped into the air spread my wings started flapping the wings, and flew towards the same place Lucifer always goes to watch the humans with interest or his special creations the 'ducks'.

It didn't take me long to get to the spot, I landed to see him standing this time. I went to rush up to him, but I gasped softly and rushed behind a building peeking out and seeing him talking to his twin brother. Micheal was frowning, giving him the stern upset look saying something then flew off somewhere. I squinted my eyes to notice Lucifer's shoulders slump down like he was deflated, and sad. I looked at his back in concern, I didn't like seeing him look so sad and deflated. Without thinking I walk over to him.

"Mister, Lucifer sir? A-are you okay?"

He jumps startled by my sudden voice, he turns around looking surprised then he smiles...but it was strained. He laughs slightly, waving his hand around.

"I-i'm okay, my dear. No reason to worry. Just my brother and I disagree on...certain things. But, I'm surprised you're here."

Blushing shyly, hands behind my back swaying my body.

"I-I wanted to see if um...i-if you make more of those um, cute rubber duckies?"

He blinks tilting his head, staring at me in astonishment.

"You do know...that you can not be seen talking to any of the higher-ups without reason...right?" he pointed out to me with a raised eyebrow.

I look down too shy to look into his eyes, shyly kicking my feet gently against the ground.

"I-I know," I brought my hands in front of my stomach and started fiddling with my fingers, looking at him under my lashes, feeling my cheeks warmed at the baffled look on his face. "But...seeing you look so deflated and sad, I-I had to make sure you were okay."

His First Love (Lucifer x OC)Where stories live. Discover now