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Me: Hiii~ Chapter 10 is here~! Enjoy~


Lucifer was a nervous wreck as he sat across from the angel he cared for, more than a friend waiting patiently for him to tell her at his pace. He swallowed his saliva and breathed in...and out through his mouth. He was nervous but he wanted to tell her, he realized he couldn't live without telling her.

"Flowers, since we met face to face. I...I couldn't stop feeling this strange new emotion when I was around you, at first I thought it was the feeling of having you as a friend. But I was wrong, this emotion I've been feeling as the days go by spending every second with you, and with Hugo made this new strange feeling stronger."

Melody's heart started to race with happiness, she listened to his words carefully and she felt the same when she spent every second with him. He swallows again, nervously fixing his bowtie and looking right into her eyes showing so much warmth and care.

"What I'm trying to say is...I...I like you, Melody. And this like is more than a friend, I-I want to date you if um if you want to go out tomorrow? I'll u-understand you don't feel the same--"

He started talking fast, looking away afraid to know her reaction or what she'd say. She got up silently walked over to his side and threw her arms around his neck surprising him, she smiled almost tearing up at how happy she was right now.

"Shush. I like you too, Luci. More than a friend. I'm so happy you feel the same! I've been trying to figure out this feeling myself, but hearing you say your feelings made me realize I felt the same. And, I would love nothing more than to go out on a date with you, Luci."

His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree, wrap his arms around her waist stood up, lift her in his arms getting a laugh from her as he spun around. He was overjoyed at her words, he placed her feet back on the floor, kissed her forehead stepped back smiling so widely it hurt but he didn't care he was extremely happy. She laughs softly, seeing him look so happy it brought her joy knowing she made him this happy.

He was the happiest archangel in all of Heaven, he couldn't wait to let Remiel know and he didn't need to tell his father since he's all-seeing but he wouldn't stop him from visiting him and telling him personally. And maybe he can help him figure out what to do on his first date, and get some advice on how he took his mother when she was alive. The rest of the day they sat down on the couch sitting on both sides of Hugo, so he's in the middle as they laugh at the cartoons on the TV.


Next Day, Morning

Lucifer went off early to talk to his dad, while Melody flew to Emily's house with Hugo to tell her the good news in person, instead of texting or calling. So she told Emily everything that happened yesterday, and she was so happy and dragged her to her room to let her have a dress that was perfect for the date.

{The image below is her dress.}


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