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March 16, 1882


In the past few weeks, my days have been filled with a whirlwind of activities, leaving me little time to update my journal. From delving into the intricacies of Hangul to refining my musical skills, from immersing myself in English to delving into the rich history of our order and our homeland, and from honing my Mandarin proficiency to sharpening my swordsmanship, my schedule has been nothing short of packed. Despite my efforts, mastering my sixth sense remains a challenge I continue to grapple with.

Under the guidance of shī fù, my skills have seen remarkable improvement. Not only have I become more adept at wielding swords, but I've also learned techniques like scaling walls and navigating platforms with newfound ease. Mother's pride in my progress is evident in her beaming smiles whenever she observes my training sessions. However, my father's demeanor suggests a different sentiment—one of disappointment, perhaps. Though I can't quite discern the reason behind it, I'm determined to one day earn his approval, especially given the weighty expectations placed upon me as the prophesied child of the Templars.

Meanwhile, my sister Mei Wan has begun to tread the path I once traversed at her age, immersing herself in lessons that initially seemed superfluous. Yet, with each passing day, I've come to appreciate the value of those teachings, realizing that they serve as stepping stones on the path to mastery and self-discovery.


As I was getting dressed for the sword training later, our maid slipped a letter on the room's doorstep. "This seems odd," I said to myself. I opened the letter:

March 16, 1882

Mi Hijo, this is I, your father. Your swordplay training will be postponed for today as you will have a special lecture from me. It is time for you to know the deepest truth that our order has. Please do come to my office at dawn.

May the Father of Understanding guide you.

Your Father,

Lo Xue Yuan

It was the first time that my father wrote me a letter. I was a bit excited and nervous of what matter why my father, who's ignored me for the past twelve years of my existence, suddenly reached out to me. I rushed to my mother's room to tell her about this matter, but unfortunately, mother wasn't there. Her maid, cleaning the external part of her room, approached me.

"Don Qingsen! What are you doing here?"

"I came to tell mother about the letter I received from father."

"Oh, how unfortunate, but your mother was out of the Residencia Familiar for a while."----"But she'll be back soon!" Her maid told me.

"Oh, is that so? Then, I'll go tell her about this later. Gracias!"

I walked back to my room, but in the hall, I saw my sister reading a dusty old book.

"Mei Mei, what's that?"

"What do you mean by "What's That"?" She asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Ha Ha, very funny, my little sister." I reciprocated her manner.

"Well, it's a book about the assassins."

"Assassins? Doesn't our order hate them?"---"Grandmother used to say the Assassins were our enemies even during the first crusades. That the Spanish Colonial Islas Filipinas Templars were the only ones successful in distinguishing their brotherhood."

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