June 13, 1885

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Three years have passed since my life crumbled, my last taste of nobility. Where once I sought solace to escape the pressures of authority, now I stand upon the rooftop, seeking respite, evading the challenges that will forever haunt me.

Simply because of a misstep in my part, many people were hurt, entangled, and suffered.

Even to this day, I find myself in relentless pursuit of my sister, devoid of any clue or tangible leads to her whereabouts, yet steadfast in my unwavering search by equipping myself with trusted associates.

Right now, my mind is graced by the image of a stunning doncella, Maria. Her well-being frequently occupies my thoughts, while a persistent urge prompts me to seek her out, to ask for forgiveness, for leaving her at the dance floor three years ago.

I spent my years pickpocketing and stealing from merchants across the streets of Quiapo and Binondo, in which I gained the title of the most notorious criminal, El Fantasma de Binondo.


I stood in the middle of the busy street, scanning my area, waiting for my next prey. Then, I suddenly heard a voice coming from behind me.

"You're stealing again aren't you?" Espiridiona, one of Andres' sisters asked teasingly.

"Just stealing from those who can live luxuriously," I replied.

I escorted Espiridiona with her raw materials for crafting bamboo hats. Moments later, we were startled by a clamor. Our attention drawn, we witnessed a scene where a merchant publicly humiliated and mistreated one of his workers.

"Eres una perra indio perezosa. Sigue trabajando o te desollare vivo." The merchant 's voice thundered with fury.

"That's enough, the oppression of Indios really needs to stop," Espiridiona exclaimed in a tone edged with ire.

I remained silent, but in my actions, I agreed. I strode towards the tumult unfolding, endeavoring to quell its fervor.

"What seems to be the problem here, senor?" I asked in sardonic.

"This doesn't concern you, vagrant!" The merchant roared in Spanish.

The relentless assault of the merchant upon his laborer persisted, compelling me to contemplate a course of action to stop such brutality.

I took one of the merchant's wares and showed him that I was taking it.

This caught his attention, causing him to cease his abuse towards his worker, giving the latter an opportunity to escape.

"What are you doing, and where do you think you're taking that, nino?" the merchant growled, relinquished his cudgel and drew forth his saber, directing its edge towards me.

"Woah, was that a French cavalry sabre, monsieur?" I said, mocking him.

"It seems you know a lot about swords. Let's see how you feel after I'm done skewering you." The merchant's words dripped with venom as he spoke.

I also drew my jian nestled against my back, poised for his potential attacks. "Perhaps we can settle this civilly, senor," I remarked, my jian aimed at him, my left arm raised in a gesture signaling my reluctance to engage. Before long, two guardia sibil drew near.

"What's this commotion all about?" The two guards elegantly unsheathed their sabers, adding to the tension of the scene.

"I believe I found the ghost," the furious merchant pointed at me.

Facing overwhelming odds, I felt my sweat drop down from my forehead. I exchanged a knowing glance with Espiridiona, her silent encouragement urging me to take flight. Without a moment's hesitation, I bolted toward the nearby alleyway.

"I think I've outrunned them," I said to myself, casting a glance behind my back.

Before I could even catch my breath, a hooded figure stood in front of me, blocking my path.

(I heard a familiar voice.)

"You seem to possess a gift," The hooded figure said.

"Who are you?!" I asked in a raised voice.

"My identity doesn't concern you, child," a moment of pause. "Perhaps, someone with a talent like yours could be used for the cause of the brotherhood," the hooded figure uttered in a tone of enigmatic allure.

"A brotherhood? No thanks, I really appreciate your proposal, but I'm done with being part of any factions," I said with a hint of annoyance.

Shortly after, I heard the clatter of the guards' footsteps; they were catching up to me.

"They're getting close. The choice is yours: will you join the brotherhood, where you can utilize your skills for good, or continue using them for personal gain, where no one benefits?" the hooded figure said.

As I turned briefly to look behind me, the hooded figure vanished into thin air, as if it were a specter dissipating into the wind.

Upon lowering my gaze to the ground, he left behind a singular emblem, the hallmark of their fraternity: the insignia of the Assassins.

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