June 19, 1885

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From Pandacan, I took a ride in a calesa towards the port area. While on the journey, I couldn't help but witness the oppression of my fellow countrymen by the Spaniards. I felt powerless as I couldn't compromise my mission, my journey. "We're here," said the coachman.

Upon arriving at the port area, I paid the coachman. There, I searched who I could negotiate with to board a steamer headed towards the destination marked on the map.

I roamed the entire port area, hoping to find a captain who could assist me in crossing to the other island.

"Do you know of a captain who charges a reasonable fare?" I asked a woman adorned in a lavish attire, while engaging her in conversation, my right hand subtly slipping towards her belongings, hoping to acquire some money that I could use to pay for passage.

"I apologize but I have no clue," she replied.

"Ah, muchas gracias, señora," I expressed, gracefully clutching a pouch brimming with coins gleaned from her possessions. Swiftly, I stowed it away and elegantly departed.

"Now, with enough money on my hand, only a captain is lacking," I murmured to myself. I continued walking until I spotted a man clad in the typical coat worn by steamship captains.

Without hesitation, I approached the man.

"Senor, by any chance, are you voyaging to the Northeast aboard a steamship?" I inquired.

"Yes, but the steamship fares are steep, hijo. However, if you wish to economize, you can join us aboard the schooner," he graciously suggested.

Shortly after, his companion, a lady that seems a bit older than me, approached.

"Oh, who is this?" the woman inquired.

"He'll be joining us, my dear, but he'll be paying his way, won't you, nino?" the captain asked, glancing in my direction.

"Yes, indeed," I replied, exposing the pouch containing the coins I had stolen earlier.

"Very well, let's go and board before we run out of time," said the man dressed in captain's attire.

Shortly after, I heard someone shouting, "My purse!! My money's stolen!!!" From the crowd so I quickly boarded the schooner.

"My schooner is small, so it can only accommodate three people - you, the lady, and myself," the captain said, scratching his chin.

I had my doubts later on, but I really needed transportation to the northeast.

So I remained silent and boarded the schooner.


I was seated on a wide space of the deck.

"Captain Isko," the captain introduced himself, "my full name is Isidro... Reyes, Isidro Reyes and this here is my younger sister,"

"Maria," the woman continued, "Maria Reyes."

My eyes widened, momentarily stunned, as memories flooded back of the night I danced with Maria three years prior.

"I-I'm Lukas," I stuttered hesitantly (using a fake name to avoid being recognized by potential members of the Templars).

The captain meticulously arranged the gear and made final preparations to set the schooner in motion.

"Perhaps you're not accustomed to mingling with strangers," Maria said sardonically.

"Not really," I replied, pausing briefly. I looked up from the floor to meet her gaze. "I just remembered someone who's important to me that shares the same name with you," I answered softly.

In The Eyes of a Noble: An Assassin's Creed Revolution NovelWhere stories live. Discover now