January 21, 1887

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Dear journal,

It has been two years since I embraced the path of the Assassin. I must admit that my transition from being a Templar to becoming an Assassin was not easy. Growing up, I was indoctrinated in the ways of the Templars, but I knew deep down that their methods were corrupt and wrong. That realization fueled my determination to learn the ways of the Assassins.

Nearly every day, Shao Yang dedicated his time to instruct me in the intricate methods of the Assassins. It was during these sessions that I discovered the name of my sixth sense: Eagle Pulse, a skill I could refine into the formidable Eagle Vision. After several months had passed, he deemed me ready for actual missions around the city. I confess, the thought of risking my life in these endeavors was daunting, yet I understood the gravity of our cause. For the sake of my sister, Andres, my mother, Carmen, our nation, and Maria, I was determined to succeed, no matter the cost.

Wearing my blue assassin's robes symbolizes my loyalty and allegiance to the Brotherhood. This steadfast commitment reflects my dedication to serving the oppressed, upholding justice, and fighting for freedom. 

I was no longer the same man I once was, transformed by my experiences, but my feelings for Maria remained unchanged.

From the street below, I spotted Shao Yang standing atop a rooftop, surveying the panorama of Vigan. Inspired, I decided to climb up and ask about the possibility of a new mission from the Chinese Brotherhood. I felt the weight of anticipation and curiosity about our potential mission. It was a moment tinged with both excitement and apprehension, knowing that whatever task lay ahead would demand our utmost dedication and skill.

I approached Shao Yang and stood beside him. "What's our mission today, Shao Yang?" I asked, glancing at the scenery before turning to him. "I received a letter from Europe," Shao Yang replied. He handed me the letter, and I began to read it:

Deciembre 31, 1886


To the assassins of the Philippine Brotherhood,

My name is José Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda, or you may address me as Sr. Jose Rizal. Perhaps you're aware that I am a member of the Templar Order, but I implore you to not let this fact cloud your judgment, for my intentions are noble and aligned with the greater good. As a diplomat between the London and Paris Brotherhoods, I understand the importance of unity in the face of common adversaries. Hence, I extend an olive branch to you, hoping for a similar truce and collaboration within the Philippine Brotherhood.

On the forthcoming 3rd of July, I shall depart from Europe, with the anticipation of arriving in the Philippines by the month of August. My purpose in reaching out to you is twofold: firstly, to seek your assistance in ensuring my safe passage upon my arrival in the port of Manila, and secondly, to offer vital information that may aid in your noble cause.

Contained within the archives of the sacred Templar order are revelations that could potentially disrupt the oppressive reign of the Spanish regime, orchestrated by the clandestine machinations of the Templars manipulating our government. It is my belief that this information, if placed in the capable hands of your secret order, could serve as a catalyst for change and liberation.

In light of our shared aspirations for justice and freedom, I humbly request your cooperation and collaboration. Together, let us forge a path towards a brighter future for our beloved homeland and its people.



"A Templar willing to make a truce with Assassins to solve a common conflict...Sounds familiar to me," I remarked, folding the letter and returning it to Shao Yang. "What do you make of this?"

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