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Third Person's Pov

Lisa was busy staring at a distance when a loud honk startled her. She didn't notice when the red light turned green.

"You okay there Limario?" Jisoo asks her worriedly. Lisa just nodded smiling slightly at her then drove past that area.

Her thoughts were invading her again.

Then after a minute they finally arrived at the studio. Jisoo woke up the four while Lisa was still in the driver seat.

"Yo Lis, you coming out there or not?" Jisoo asks when she's done waking up the four.

"Uhm. I forgot to buy something Chu. I'll be back." Lisa answered and drove off abruptly making Jisoo confused.


Lisa came back to the area where she saw Jennie. She parked her car in the distance for hiding her presence from the two and then she walked a little to get there.

She then went inside the luxurious restaurant. The moment she stepped inside she realised that the people eating there were wealthy people. She began to feel small because of that fact but shrugged it off while roaming her eyes expecting to see her girlfriend.

She walked forward until she arrived at the vip section. A glass divider wall and a see through curtains was the only thing that separated the vip side.

Then she saw Jennie sitting beside Taehyung. They seemed to be talking about some serious stuff while facing each other. Lisa was about to come to them when she saw Taehyung peck Jennie's lips.

She froze and felt her body weakened when she saw how Jennie smiled at him. Then her world came to a halt from breaking apart when the two started to kiss passionately, not minding if someone saw them.

Lisa's body became numb once again. She felt her heart was being squeezed by something and she couldn't breathe properly. She saw how the two were exchanging kisses like they're used to doing. She saw how Jennie reciprocated the kiss willingly. Then Lisa felt that for a moment her heart stopped beating. She was alive but not living.


That happened months ago. Lisa didn't confront Jennie about that. She just focused on work for an entire month. Acting like everything was still okay even if she felt that Jennie was slowly slipping away from her grasp.

She saw the signs but chose to ignore them. She doesn't want Jennie to leave her. She's the only family she have aside from her friends. She can't see herself without Jennie in her life. That even if she's hurting she chose to be quiet. She choose the easiest way but the hardest part.

Tonight she's waiting for Jennie to come home. She decided to make some dinner because she just realised that they didn't get enough quality time together because of their hectic schedules.

When the door opens Lisa feels a little giddy. So she welcomed Jennie with a wide grin but it was fading slowly when she saw a drunk Jennie.

Jennie just threw her bag and shoes on the floor then without greeting her or even glancing at her she went inside their room.

Lisa follows Jennie inside their room and she sees how Jennie was so wasted that she just slumped on the bed without changing her office clothes. Lisa sighed then carefully cleaned Jennie and changed her clothes.

When she's done changing Jennie's clothes she lays beside her staring lovingly at the sleeping Jennie.

"I love you so much Nini. Still." Lisa mumbles as she planted a soft kiss on Jennie's forehead.

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