A Step in the Right Direction

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Reuben showed up at the group the following evening.

"I'm surprised to see you here. How's your wife?"

"We arrived at the hospital just in time. I didn't know it was possible for a woman to give birth that quickly."

"Is she okay?"

"Mom and baby are both strong and healthy. And before you ask, it's a boy."

"What did you name him?"

"We haven't decided yet. I want to name him Samuel, but Tabby wants to name him Roman."

"Samuel is a good, strong name."

"I think so, too."

The following Monday morning, Reuben picked me up at home, a few minutes after eight o'clock.

"Come on, Talmage. There's someone I want you to meet."

We drove across town, to a sporting goods store. He walked in with me, and guided me to the counter.

"I'm looking for Bryce."

The gal walked away. A minute later, a man with a chest-length beard walked up.

"Reuben! It's been a few days. How the heck are ya?"

"Doing fine. Are you still looking for help?"

"Don't tell me you lost your job at the hardware store."

"Bryce, this is Edward Talmage. He's my sister-in-law's kid brother. He needs a job, and I think this would be a good fit."

"Does he know anything about outdoor adventuring?"

I answered, "I've been skiing in Aspen, Colorado, and white water rafting through Hell's Canyon, on the Oregon-Idaho border. I hiked the full length of Walnut Canyon near Flagstaff, Arizona. I went diving on the Great Barrier Reef. I've been cliff diving in Hawaii. I spent one night camped on the summit of Cloud Peak in Wyoming."

"You must enjoy being outdoors?"

"I love it. I wish I could make a living by adventuring."

"So what's stopping you?" I hung my head.

"I got myself in some trouble. Now I can't find a job to save my life."

"What kind of trouble?" I looked at Reuben.

He said, "Go on, tell him."

"I'm an alcoholic. I'm in recovery, and I've been sober for three months."


"But, I was arrested for drunk-driving. With that on my record, no one will hire me."

"What was your name again?"

"Edward Talmage."

"Edward, come to my office. Reuben, you can come, too, if you'd like."

We walked into his office, and he sat down behind his desk.

"Edward, please have a seat. Reuben, would you please shut that door?"

He opened a drawer, pulled out a few papers, and dropped them on the desk in front of me. He handed me a pen.

"You need to fill out these forms if you want to work for me."

"You want to hire me?"

"Edward, I first met Reuben through his cousin, Bret Whitaker. He and I served together in the National Guard. I was dishonorably discharged, because I was a heroin addict. Bret found me, and essentially forced me into an in-patient treatment program. He's been my sponsor ever since."

I turned to Reuben.

"Do all of you Whitakers care so much?"

"I think it's genetic."

When I told my dad I'd found a job, he filled my gas tank. He was still not willing to allow me access to my credit card. 

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