I am not sure how long I had him fake looking for an earring that wasn't there in the first place, but every so often I would look up at the wall and just wish that I was scaling it, but alas.

"I think it's a goner; I apologise, I will get some of my people to look for it as soon as the sun comes up," he said as he looked up at me from his bent knee, and we stared at each other for a second before I cleared my throat with a chuckle. "It's okay. I should really go anyway," hoping that the guards had finally left there station.

"I'll walk you out," he said as I nodded as he placed his hand on my lower back again and guided me out of the ballroom and along the painted corridors of all the rulers of the past until we got to the main area where the big doors were still open. I stopped in my tracks and waited to see if any of the men would sway in and out so I could check if it was them, but yet again I was proven wrong, so I had to think fast. I looked to the side, where there was a little hideout spot that the guards wouldn't see me from.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, and before the prince could ask for what, I stomped on his foot and slipped into the darkness, watching as the guards busted through the doors. Fuck! It's still them. Do these guys not sleep, eat, or have social lives or families? I watched as they asked the prince if he was okay, and he brushed them off as he looked around for me.

I watched as the guards disappeared back to the palace doors. What was I going to do? How the hell was I supposed to get out of this place with those idiots at the door twenty-four seven? And, I guess, until the morning. Before I could figure out my next move, my surroundings were shadowed by darkness.  greeted by a not-so-happy Prince.

"What the fuck was that for?" He growled through gritted teeth as I shot him an apologetic smile, "I may have snuck into the ball; I just want to say I was completely invited. I just happened to leave my invitation by accident at home," I lied. I really needed to get better at lying. How could I be pulling off this operation and not being able to lie?

"Darling, I am going to need you to lie a little better than that," he said as he leant against the wall, crossing his arms. I looked up with a frown as he wore a smirk on his face.

"Why would I need to lie? I have an invite; it just originally wasn't mine, and those guards know I didn't have it, and I can't say, Oh, look, I found it lodged in my breast compartment," I explained as his eyes looked as if they were trying not to drop to the breasts in question.

The door of the palace closed, causing both of us to jump. Stupidly,I let out a shriek, which was followed by the guards armour audibly being heard getting closer. "Sir, are you okay?" I closed my eyes tight, hoping they wouldn't see me, but before I could wait for the fate of my destiny, an arm snaked around my waist and our bodies crashed against each other as his mouth took hold of mine.

My eyes shot open for a moment before fluttering closed, my body melting into his aggressive grip. My fingertips found themselves grabbing onto the back of his neck as his other arm wrapped around my waist as well, pulling me closer to him. Our tongues were both fighting to be the dominant one, Blaine let out a growl, annoyed at the fact that he was having to fight for his power.

The guards were startled when they approached us, apologising profusely as we both pulled away. I nestled into Blaines chest, hiding as much of myself as possible as his arms that were still firmly around my waist tightened so he could look over his shoulder and still keep me hidden.

"It's okay, boys; I think we just got a little carried away." The guards chuckled at one another and walked off, muttering to themselves. As soon as they were out of earshot, I let out a chuckle, patting Blaine on the chest, hoping he would release me from his grip.

"Thanks for that; I can go home now," I bluntly said as he let go of me, and as I went to squeeze past him, he blocked my exit, moving over to the same side I was trying to leave from, doing the same on the other side when I tried that side too.

"hey! can i go home now, I want to go home, Move." I angrily spat as he looked down at me with a frown as I looked up at him with a frown crossing my arms. "You sure as hell don't know who I am, speaking to me like that," he said as I rolled my eyes. I had no time for this; I was tired and sore from how long I've had this corset on for, and well, I just wanted to go back to my sad little, gloomy sad excuse of a house.

"I know who you are, Prince of Prothabia, the next heir to the throne; whether you are Prince of a Kingdom or my stall manager, I speak to people how I like to," I said as he chuckled dryly with a sarcastic nod. "I think you are just a brat that needs to be tamed." His voice was low yet blunt, I looked up at him with narrow eyes.

"Your attitude is pissing me off," he growled through gritted teeth as he stepped closer, pressing my body up against the cold wall. I looked up as his chest brushed against mine, causing me to swallow the ball that appeared in my throat. His eyes were no longer that almost ocean blue; they were darker, and I couldn't make out what they were made out of, but I knew I was about to fuck around and find out.

"That's not a problem for me to sort out." I snapped back as he chuckled dryly again and trailed his fingertips from my stomach up to my throat, where he gripped loosely, tilting my head back.

"Sounds like your challenging me," he whispered against my skin as his knee slowly pressed against me and parted my legs. I knew this man was attractive; everyone did, but I hadn't expected this to be what was on the other side of the prince.

"I see through your game. You chase after women like me because we stroke your ego; others, like the women in the ballroom, crave your attention at every turn. But I'm not one to succumb to such shallow allure. Despite my age, I won't be just another conquest on your list." I whispered as he devilishly smirked as he licked the side of my neck, threatening a pleasurable moan out of me, chuckling against my skin.

He tightened his grip around my neck and pulled me closer to him as his eyes now hinted their intentions, his dark blue eyes clouded with lust for me, I licked my lips and watched as his eyes darted to them, watching as I wet both of them and then bit down on the bottom, a smirk dancing on my face after.

"I'm looking for a wife, or hadn't you heard?" He whispered against my skin, causing the hairs on my neck to stand up.

I could tell he was getting tired of talking; he had one hand around my throat and one placed next to where my head used to be.

"Prove it,"

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