Being in love with me was easy; it wasn't like I was Satan's daughter; I had great morals and a great mindset; I wasn't on the ugly side; I could outwit any man who dare tried; I was caring to those I loved; and all in all, I was a great person...once you got past the thorns.

"so, I am asking you, in this presence state, before you run off again or we have a disagreement about my views, Caspian Lovett, will you marry me?" He knelt beside my bed, looking up at me. His words felt written out; they were prefect despite the fact that I was sitting up in whatever room number this was in the palace, the queen unaware of all the commotion between us, and well, I think this is the most un-royal way to ask someone to marry you.

"Isn't there supposed to be a ring or something?" I asked, holding back the smile that was on my face. I couldn't make out if the smile was a genuine smile because I was genuinely happy to be marrying Prince Blaine Henry Thomas of Prothabia or because my in had just become reality. As much as I was playing up the fact that I wasn't a fan of the prince, I find that usually makes you stand out to men. I think it's a consent thing.

His smile widened as he dug in his pocket and pulled out a black box. "I originally was going to be for my mother's wedding ring; it's something passed down from generation to generation, but I had a feeling you'd be apposed to it," he said as I nodded. He would be correct; I am not wearing anything that slimy, old hag of a bitch has worn on her veiny, mummified fingers.

The prince took a hold of my hand and placed the rock on my finger, leaving me to stare at it and inspect it's utter beauty. It was a how-ever-many carrot gold band with a black diamond in the center that sat on what could only look like eagle claws; it was truly a master piece and right up to par with something I would have picked.

I looked back up at the prince, who had gotten up from his knees and was just watching me in awe, as if i had delivered a baby. "what?" I asked, and as his smile never faded, he summoned me over to him with a finger, which I accepted. I crawled over on the bed to his side, standing up on my knees on the bed, to be at some kind of level with him.

He placed both hands on either side of my face, squashing my cheeks in the process just a little, leaning down, and gently connecting our lips in the kindest and softest way we had ever connected. Nothing about this exchange was sexually motivated or driven; we weren't hungry for each other; we were doing what normal people would do if they had just gotten engaged.

I melted more into the kiss, feeling my whole world fuzzy before my own eyes as I closed my eyes gently as he held my face, It was as if he never wanted to let me go, he never wanted this exchange to end, but he wasn't deviant with it, he was mindful of pain and mindful of what had happened previously.

We pulled back with a smile "My princess," he whispered as I felt chills run over my skin and my blood suddenly felt cold. Was that a normal feeling for your blood to instantly turn cold as soon as a royal duty or command was placed on you, Was this what Blaine had felt from birth? Cold in the blood?

He could tell I was deep in thought; I could tell he knew I was deep in thought by just the way he looked at me, with a slight tilt to his head and burrowed eyebrows knitted together, a state of confusion.

"I should probably get up and out," I said as his confused smile was replaced with a smile as he grabbed hold of my lifting up and onto his waist, where I wrapped my arms and legs around him as he spun us around once and then placed me down on the ground.

"You're going to want to get a dress prepared, have some of the guards and maids fetch your belongings; you'll be staying with me now, plus you have duties to attend to this evening," he stated as I made my way to the door, earning a slap on the ass on my way out.

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