Waking up from being fucked was not in the ultimate plan of things when I was coming up with how to avenge my family, but I was a 14- or 15-year-old who was so stuck in her gloom and loneliness that I never got out, never mingled, and certainly didn't get my brains fucked out of me.

I awoke to soft mutters, opening my eyes. I blink a few times, trying to adjust to the bright lights of the morning sun. I looked around and was shocked to find 3 women staring at me with questioning looks. I looked down at where I was once asleep and noticed a well-built chest. Looking up at the face, it was Blaine. The memories of last night came flooding back to me, which caused my legs to weaken and a smirk to play on my face.

"Good morning, my lady. We apologize; we didn't know you would be here," one of the maids said as she curtsied. I shook my head and asked her not to do any royal shit in my presence. I wasn't into all of that, especially if she knew the truth.

The other two maids proceeded to ask if we would have anything to eat, to which I nodded, and they went off to prepare some breakfast.

As I was about to retrieve my clothes and dash, Blaine started to stir before opening his eyes and looking up at me. "Leaving, are we?" he asked before pulling at my arm. As I crashed into his chest, he placed a hand on my cheek and gave my nose a peck.

"I had fun last night," he said as I straddled him, placing his hands on my waist. We just stared at each other with smiles on our faces. "I might have to call off the shortlisting today, if you are okay with what I am proposing." He asked as his smile dropped, and he looked at me intensely to see if he had hit a nerve or said the wrong thing too soon.

I shook my head with a smile, and just as I was about to say something, the door burst open, and I flung to the other side of the bed, wrapping myself up in the blankets.

"Good morning, my son, are we..." The queen's voice echoed through the bedroom as I lay down, trying not to be seen, which failed, I think.

I waited for a few minutes to hear if she was going to bring up the fact that there was clearly someone else in the bed with Blaine, holding my breath.

"My boy, what did I say about sleeping with the candidates? I specifically told you not to, excuse my royalness, fuck this up." She sounded fed up and let down by her son's choices, and if she remembers who I am, she'll be even more disappointed with a commoner.

Without another word, I slowly sat up from the bed, covering my chest and greeting the queen with a smile. Please, for the love of God, don't recognise me; I have gotten this far. Lord, don't fail me now!

"Caspian?" busted.

I winced at my name falling from her mouth; hearing it come from a mouth such as hers made it sound horrid.

"Your Majesty," I said barely audible as I lowered my head as I felt Blaine's eyes bore into my face. I refused to break eye contact with the queen and see the utter look of shock on his face.

"Caspian, I can't believe how much you've...changed; you have grown up so fast, where did the time go?" This kind of small talk was not needed; it was not enjoyable, and I knew she didn't care one little bit about how I had grown, all alone with no parental figure, nobody to look after me when I got sick, or when I hurt myself.

"I should; I should probably go. I know the prince has a busy day, and I wouldn't want to get in his way with it," I said as I slipped out of bed and quickly threw my dress on before standing up and curtseying, then booking it for the door.

As if I couldn't get out of the room fast enough, my name was yelled from behind me. I closed my eyes, hoping that it wasn't Blaine; I didn't need to answer to him. And really, last night was a big mistake, a huge distraction from the reason I am here. You didn't have to have sex with your husband if you were a royal; you didn't actually have to love them; it was just a partnership.

Before I could make it to the door, I was spun around and stopped in my tracks, being met by the angriest man in the world at the moment.

"What the fuck was that, Caspian? As in Caspian, 12 year old closet freak Caspian," he fired questions as I shrugged and looked anywhere but his face. I didn't need this comparison and embarrassment; I wasn't 12 anymore; I was older, wiser, and braver than that little girl.

"Look at me!" He snapped as he grabbed hold of my chin and forced me to look into his blue eyes, but they weren't their original blue, they weren't the lustful blue, they were hurt, they were betrayed, they were upset.

"Yes, lame, 12-year-old Caspian, the one that sat in a room waiting for her mother to show up and finish what she was doing when a horn dog of an adult barged into the room, when he had his own bedroom and decided to hump on some blonde bitch," I spat as he tightened his grip on my chin, causing me to try and escape it.

"I feel dirty; I mean, you were 12 when we first met; I was 26 years old, and now you are the same age I was back then, 14 years ago." I let out a stifled laugh and crossed my arms.

"The women there for you last night were younger than me; well, most of them anyway, so don't give me your bullshit excuse; everyone in this fucking kingdom knows you like em young," I spat as I stepped towards him and gritted my teeth. I wasn't going to stand here and play the bad guy for this type of scenerio, nah huh.

He blew out some air from his nose as I watched him analyse my face, taking in every detail of it as I brushed up against him, The upset was gone from his eyes, and replacing that was a small glimpse of the lust that I saw last night.

"You knew even before we fucked that you wanted to spend time with me; you could have asked for my name; I knew yours; instead, you wanted to fuck me, and now that you know my name, you instantly see the 12-year-old. Get a grip on yourself; I wasn't 12 when you were watching me finger myself salivating in the mouth," I said as I looked innocently into his eyes.

"You know where to find me if you need me," I added before turning on my feet, walking confidently and fiercely out of the corridor, and making my way back to my carriage, which I am pretty sure would have been reported missing by now...


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