Who knew that a week would fly by? It's as if, since meeting Prince Blaine in a more mature part of his life, my own life had hit some kind of acceleration—a new kind of speed I wasn't used to and I wasn't complaining. The feeling of being so alive was something I could get used to.

I read over the invitation that was in my hands as I strolled past the guards with guns pointed to the sky, "gentlemen." I felt like I was in a serious groundhog loop as they nodded towards me, and I made my way back up to the palace doors, greeted by the same guards as last time. Typical

"Not this again; we can't let you-" The rusty voice brought a smile to my face as I waved the personally delivered invitation. They both looked at each other and then back at me with a shocked but welcoming smile.

"Welcome Caspian" My brows furrowed together as they opened the doors, and I walked through, trying to make sure that I wasn't caught falling on myself. I had decided to wear another one of my mothers dresses; this one was a black corset fitted flow of a dress; it had little sliver sparkly details, some scattered across the heam line of my cleavage, sliver sparkling corset laces that sat nice and tight down my back. I was in awe of the dress, and it was the first time I could wear a low-revealing dress and show off the pedant that held my father and mother's faces in it, neatly wrapped around my throat tightly.

I made my way through to the ballroom, ignoring the study room. I couldn't bring myself to even peek in. What about if he was there waiting, thinking that we were going to have a moment of deja vu? I couldn't go through that all over again.

I stood in front of the doors again, and the shudder that I once felt sent goosebumps down my arms. I took a deep breath and opened the doors, being greeted by a smaller group of women who all snapped their heads towards me, their pretty pink gowns and silky green dresses all making me feel out of touch with the brief of this. Was I giving to much?

"Oh my, you look to die for!" A wide-eyed ginger stormed towards me, her green eyes burning into my skin as her smile widened. "You look like a million bucks!" she added as I smiled at her and thanked her for the compliment, complimenting her on her sky blue flowing fairy princess inspired dress.

"You look magical," I added as her face flushed red as she hooked her arm under mine, walking me to a champagne server. "Champs for the lady," she ordered suddenly her innocent smile disappeared. She was as serious as anything, She looked over at me with a smile as someone handed her a flute and then myself.

"Oh, silly of me, the names Maeve." She placed a hand out elegantly, and I took it a little harsher than I should have, startling her as I shook it firmly. "Caspian," I nodded as she raised an eyebrow.

"When we saw your name, we thought the prince had a best man or something; you have the red and gold invite, right?" She began to whisper while looking around at everyone. Then, looking back at me, I nodded softly.

I was lost, but then again, maybe everyone got a different coloured invite, and he didn't want to give too much away. "Yeah, didn't everyone?" I asked as she shook her head in disagreement.

"It's assumed that he already knows who he's picked; I'd be careful who you speak to, if you aren't the man that everyone thought you'd be, you may be in for some bitches," she said as I frowned and the chuckled tapping at her hand that was still holding onto my arm.

"Competition is healthy; it's nice to know I can be up with the snobs of the world," I said as she giggled herself, and that was it. I had made a friend that I am pretty sure was as evil as me. By saying that I knew that enemies always disguise themselves as friends, she had already baited herself out and called herself a bitch.

I smiled at her as she returned the expression. "We should probably start mingling," I said as she nodded. I unhooked her from my arm, and we parted ways. I shook her off and made my way to the back of the room. I was going to blend in, though hard, with this kind of outfit.

"Welcome Ladies" The cocky, arrogant, and commanding voice of Prince Blaine echoed through the room as he came out wearing a buttoned-down blouse with a loose brown waistcoat and some ugly brown loose-fitting trousers.

Was he roleplaying poor? like an unfortunate soul?

I watched as his eyes scanned the room hungrily, as if he were hunting for his prey. I was enjoying his expressions, which changed rapidly from glad to see people to frowning intensely. Was he trying to find me? I slipped back into the back, covered in darkness.

I stepped forward as he carried on his self-centered speech about how he was truly so lucky to have whittled it down to 10 girls and that he was going to love talking to each and every one of us.

As his eyes kept scanning, he finally found me, and I watched as his chest rose and he stood up prouder, a little smile slowly walking onto his face, quickly shutting down his speech.

It wasn't long until he stepped down, and the girls scurried to him, asking if he was thirty and wanting a flute of champagne as if it weren't his champagne.

I made my way to grab another flute when I felt a pair of eyes burn into the back of my head, I smiled to myself and grabbed another flute, placing the empty one in it's place and thanking the waitress with a nod.

No matter where I went in the room, I could feel his eyes on me—every inch of my body he had inspected and set alight—and I was bathing in the glory that this was no longer a competition, and I don't think it ever was.

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