The Princess Prothabia announcement was meant to be made today, and everyone was waiting patiently for a sign of an invitation or any sign of a party. I was hoping for nothing of the sort. I know I am supposed to because my plan is to be the Princess of Prothabia so that I can start the real life changes and plans I have in place, but after yesterday, I am not sure.

I sat at my stall in the market, picking at my newly kept nails, waiting for the local pickpocketing round to come along; it had been dead all morning. Nobody wanted to buy anything; they wanted to know what I was doing hanging around the Prince and what was up with the new do.

I spun around my chair a few times until I heard someone clear their throat: "Caspian Lovett." The familiar voice shocked me so much that I dropped out of my chair, screaming out in pain as my back hit the pebble ground behind me.

I sat up and watched as Blaine tried to come around and help me up. "Stay there, I'm fine," I said as I got up on my feet and brushed off my arms and legs. Thank God for trousers, huh?

"I was hoping not to see you today; I am currently working, so whatever this is, I will have to wait," I said as he chuckled through a smile as he looked down and back up as I sat back down on my stall, and he went back to the front of my stall.

"I am the prince; you can stop working now if I really want you to," he said as I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. I focused my attention on the meat heats that he had beside him; they were just as built as he was, not sure how they were going to help the prince when the prince could protect himself. "But I am not going to because I want to invite you to..." I cut him off with a sigh and shook my head.

"I am not coming to the palace; all we do there is fuck and so far you've proved my point about being a conquest, can I get back to work?" I said as a flock of people had gathered behind him and I went to usher one of them to be the distraction.

"I ordered you to stop working, you no longer work today." He demanded as I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, shaking my head and calling someone from the crowd forward, I wasn't going to do this, but before I could get someone to come and be served his built ass, silenced bodyguards came around, grabbing both on my arms and lifting up and out of the stall.

As a true tantrum queen, I started kickin and screaming, ordering both of the meat heads to get off of me and let me down. If I wasn't in the mood, then I was in a worse mood, I turned my head to one of the guards who still had me in a hold as they dragged me out of my stall and into the street with everyone and feasted my teeth into his knuckles, causing him to let out a scream and let go of me. I caught the other off guard, and I landed on the ground with a thud.

Blaine tried to make an advance towards me, but I held my hand up to stop him as I got up from the ground, Everyone was watching as I did so, and their faces painted a scene of shock and horror while mine was cemented with a frown towards the caucasity of this man.

"You really are still a boy, your highness; I asked you nicely, but yet again..." I paused before I said something that would make me a guilty party in the future, I would just be digging myself a hole that future me couldn't get out of.

Blaine's expression mirrored mine as we stooped a few feet away from each other. It looked like he had a whole army behind him the way we stood, the whole village standing behind him, and just little ole me standing on the other side.

The familiar feeling of abandonment kicked me straight in the stomach watching as they all stared at me like I was in the wrong, I was the one causing a scene, I could hear the ringing of silence in my ear as my brain began to spin thinking about the fact that my dad had left with less than a goodbye on his lips and my mother had left before she would even realise.

A single tear threatened my eyes as they glossed over, and I clenched my jaw, watching as the prince's expression softened, looking down at my hand as I clenched them into a fist.

"Cass, listen to me, I don't want to fight; I am too old for all this chasing, and all this fighting," he pleads, and just then something snapped in me.

"MY NAME IS CASPIAN! CASPIAN LOVETT!" I screamed as a single tear dropped from my eye. I kept eye contact with Blaine but hadn't realised how close he had managed to get to me until he placed two hands on my shoulders and started to rub them.

I took a deep, shaky breath as Blaine gently and carefully pulled me into a hug as I closed my eyes. "Nothing to see here, people; get back to work," he ordered out as he gestured for his bodyguards to get the carriage. He wrapped both of his arms around me as I closed my eyes and let out my tears, trying to be as silent as I could. Nobody liked a cry, baby.


I woke up to muttering, but I couldn't quite make out who the muttering was coming from, I fluttered my eyes open as I sat up, not quite registering where I was until I rubbed my eyes and was greeted by four red walls and a fire place that was currently roaring with orange and red flames, causing me to touch my neck where little sweat droplets had formed.

"Oh, she is awake," an unfamiliar voice spoke up as I blinked a few times. Finally, recognising that it was, in fact, Prince Draedon, I cleared my throat and wiped my mouth to make sure there wasn't any dribble residue.

"King Draedon, I am sorry, Did I faint?" I asked as he chuckled and walked towards the bed, standing at the end and holding the bed frame as he shook his head. "No, my child, Blaine said that you cried so much that you must have worn yourself out and fallen asleep in his arms." he explained as I frowned, but before I could say anything, the bedroom door had opened, and in walked the prince. He stopped in his tracks for a few seconds before coming over to stand with his dad.

"Think I'll leave you two to have a chat. Go easy on here, will you, Blaine? This is a lot to process," he said as he tapped his son on the shoulder and walked off, bidding me a farewell before closing the door, leaving the two of us staring at each other.

Before I could reject this conversation, Blaine cleared his throat. "I am just going to cut to the chase, I am in love with you, Cass, I am in love with everything about you, the way you don't take my shit, you hold me accountable, the way you see no competition, When you want something, you go for it, Who gives a fuck about our origin story, I am in love with you." His eyes never left mine Once thought the whole word vomit of a confession, he let out a breath and inhaled again, exhaling out of his mouth.

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