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Arabella's PoV:

I had English last lesson and I couldn't focus at all. I tried doing the work, reading the book but all I could look at was her.

Today she was wearing a short pencil skirt—and I mean short. She had a black button up that was tightly tucked into her skirt.

As I was now sitting at the front of the class every time I she stood up I had to look away, preventing myself from reaching over the desk and kissing her again.

She had assigned us another group project, which meant I would be spending even more time with Taylor. She tried to talk to me a couple times throughout the lesson but Mrs fox scoffed causing us to stop straight away.

I didn't know whether this was due to the noise we were making, even though we could barely hear eachother, or was it just because I was talking to Taylor.

I couldn't stop thinking about the weekend and I was going to thank her again for it even though she would tell me off for doing so. But I didn't care, not every teacher would leave there house to collect a drunken student that had kissed her before—in fact I don't think any teacher would.

Maybe she just likes my company, after all I have spend a week with her, and another one to come.


When the lesson ended I packed my stuff and got ready to leave, before realising I had detention in here so I sat back down and as I did I heard a slight chuckle coming from Mrs fox.

I sat for a couple of minutes deciding whether I should say anything or not, but eventually I decided that I should.

"Listen I really do appreciate the ride and you looking after me, I don't know what would've happened if you didn't fetch me" I said looking up at her, surprised to see she was already looking at me.

"Stop thanking me, I'm just glad you called me and I got there before someone else did" she claimed and it made me smile seeing how much she cared about me.

"Listen can I ask you something?" She said and of course I nod.

"In the car on the way to my house, you were saying a lot about your parents and some of the things you went through, is that why you had the panic attack in my class?" she asks me. I'm kind of surprised that she asked me that and she can tell.

"Listen I'm sorry that was to far you don't have to.."

"No it's fine, and yes it is" I interrupt looking back at her eyes.

"Sometimes I have these flash backs of when my mom abused me, a lot of things trigger them but I haven't had one in a long time, that's why I got so upset when I had one again" I say as a single tear rolled down my cheek.

She stands up and kneels down next to me, her hand on my knee. In that moment I forgot what I was crying about and all I could think about was her hand on my skin.

"Listen I'm here if you need and remember I'm a call away, it's not good to keep these things bottled up, it's good to talk to people, trust me" she says as I see her look down before standing back up, heading to her desk.

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