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Arabella's PoV:

Last night was a really tough time—for me—so i just can't even imagine how Vanessa is feeling.

When I got to her bedroom I could hear her soft whimpers echoing down the hall way, I fought the urge to break down and cry myself.

I couldn't help but feel as if it was my fault. If she wasn't so upset with me, I might've gone home with her or he could've left before she got there, but she reassured me it would've happened either way. He wouldn't have left even if she was gone the whole night.

It took her a while to stop crying and open up to me about what happened. As soon as I heard, all I could think about was killing that man myself, but in that moment she needed me.

For a while we just sat and talked, she said that she didn't really want anyone to touch her—it was completely understandable considering she had a red handprint and a bruise on the left side of her face.

But once we got comfortable she grabbed me, and cried into my shoulder, wetting the thin piece of fabric covering my body.

I tried to bring up what happened before, but she cut me off—telling me it was fine and she over reacted.

She didn't feel as if I was using her, she claimed she's never felt more loved and appreciated. But in that moment she was just angry about what happened in class.

I didn't bother to bring up mr. Hughes as he didn't matter to me, I knew she only wanted me.

We just lay there for a couple of hours, talking, laughing cuddling. Regardless of the circumstances, it was a nice moment for us—we've only ever really connected through sex and this bought us together on another level.

Throughout the night I asked her about the date which is later tonight. I made it perfectly clear we could cancel. But she insisted she wouldn't let that dick head ruin her new beginning with me.

I was very hesitant but as the night progressed, she seemed to go back to normal. The bruises won't go away for a while, but her fear has already seemed to subside.

I've never seen her cry before, never even seen her she's a tear, and even though the whimpers lasted no linger than ten minutes I've never felt so connected with her. I'm just glad she can open up to me.

She told me that she's never cried in front of anyone before—not since her dad. I tried to ask her about him, but she quickly avoided the question, inferring to me that he is not someone she wanted to talk about—so I didn't.

I just hope the date isn't too much pressure, as it is no issue to me to postpone it. But she seemed persistent enough to reassure me she would be okay.

I know my woman is strong, but I just fear if she doesn't let her emotions out, they will escape without warning.


Vanessa's PoV:

Last night was a lot—a lot to process myself, and I'm sure it was a lot for rose.

I shouldn't have bought my emotions on her and expected her to take it. But considering I have no family to talk to, all my friends have become distant overtime and I definitely can't talk to my husband, she was the one I valued the most.

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