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Jasmine paced around her room for quite a while now, thinking of a way to get off the ship without the risk of getting caught again. The girl had decided for herself to start over in a small village somewhere in the Earth Kingdom. Without any help or any chances of communication it would be impossible to contact or to track down Sokka; and there was no other way that she could support Aang saving the world. Might as well do something for myself for once.

Letting out a deep breath, she nodded to herself, "okay, you can do this. Only two guards to take down."

Jasmine knocked on her door, waiting for one of the two guards outside to say something. They hadn't talked to her once since everyone else left.

"Excuse me," she said when they didn't react in any way, "may I have a glass of water?"

Some muffled bickering reached Jasmine's ears but she couldn't make out the exact words until two sets of footsteps left. Her eyebrows shot up and the girl didn't dare to move her ear away from the door until one set of footsteps came back.

The girl cleared her throat quickly and stood directly beside the door with a clenched jaw. The few seconds that the guard needed to reach her room felt like an eternity and when the doorknob moved, she took a sharp breath.

"There you go, miss-" As soon as Kano took a step into the room, he knitted his eyebrows when their prisoner was nowhere to be seen. From the corner of his eyes he saw some movement but when he had fully turned his head, it was already too late. His eyes widened as Jasmine's fist shot out, hitting him right in the face.

Kano's head jerked to the side, a groan leaving his lips as he dropped the glass of water. He slowly turned to look at her while he was clasping his bleeding nose. Damn, she doesn't even look that strong.

Blood trickled onto the floor and Jasmine grimaced as the red liquid coloured the puddle of water.

Kano's heavy breathing brought her back to reality. Her head quickly snapped up and she tensed and looked at him with wide eyes, realising that her punch hadn't done enough damage to knock him out. Her heartbeat immediately quickened and she grabbed the first thing that was in her arm's reach and slammed the ceramic vase on his head.

Kano's eyes fluttered close right after the impact as a grunt left his lungs. His body fell on the floor with a loud thud, his metal uniform hitting the metal floor. The noise echoed through the corridor for a few more seconds.

Jasmine held her breath and listened for the other guard somewhere on the ship. When he didn't seem to come back, she let out a breath of relief and nodded to herself. So far so good.

Looking down at Kano's body, she pressed her lips together and squatted down. "I'm sorry," she whispered and quickly treated his bleeding nose before stepping over his body and leaving the room. She closed the door behind her with a guilty feeling bubbling up inside of her. He seemed like a nice guy.

Quickly dismissing the thought, the girl quickly and silently made her way to the deck. Opening the ramp entailed too many risks; she didn't know the way to the ramp properly, unlike to deck, and it would be too loud and time consuming.

A small smile formed on her lips when she turned a corner; only one corridor between her and freedom. Jasmine quickened her steps, almost running.

Her face fell as soon as the other guard turned the corner on the other side of the corridor. Both of them stopped for a brief moment, looking at each other. Jasmine could feel her heart pumping so hard that she almost thought it would burst out of her chest any moment now.

She broke out into a sprint, snapping the guard back to reality. He immediately followed her, "stop where you are! Now!"

The adrenaline rushing through her veins only caused her to run even faster. As soon as Jasmine stepped foot on the deck, she slammed the heavy metal door shut with two arms. Using waterbending, she froze it shut before quickly jumping off the ship, softened the impact with her bending.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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