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Dear diary,

1 book, 4 words. : a hue of blue.
Author: Marie France Leger

I want this book so bad. I want to read it right now!!  but I don't wanna spend too much money this month and next month. It's £16 on Amazon😭😩😭 and I've also cancelled my Amazon prime lol.

if anyone would get this for me, even tho none of you know where I live, I'd actually cry. I've seen so much about this book, idk why I'm only just hearing of it now.

For Eid gift the other day my sister bought me 3 books. Everyone knows I love books lol, but mannnn I want this book!! I'd finish it in a day.

My favourite book I've ever read is 'the light we lost'. I gave it to 2 of my friends to read and A. I wish I could reread it for the first time again however I have a feeling if I ever have this book in my hands and read it, it'll end up being my fave book, or second best.

I wish people read more. Words and books are so interesting. I've even read Anne franks diary, I have it my book drawer. That's also because I love history.
I actually find people more knowledgeable if they read or are open to reading. It opens your mind. Broadens your horizons. Personally, I think it's a good trait to have. To read. 🤓🥸

I was up last night in pain. I was a little sick from the cramps which has never happened to me before. Took me ages to fall asleep and I woke up quite early too. Still not started but not fasting today cos I need to take painkillers. I held off all morning and early afternoon but decided I need pain relief. I was curled in bed crying a little waiting for the pain to go, hate the nauseating feeling.

My mum always told me to wake her up if I'm ever in pain from my period, or anything, if I'm ever ill. But I let her sleep. I remember last year for some reason I got really sick and was vomiting non stop, (it's really rare for me to actually throw up even when I feel ill so for me to be physically sick, I must be in the trenches). I didn't wake my parents up but i went downstairs and slept on the sofa (still being sick).

I remember I sent a vn to A at 4am ish telling him I'm being violently sick the entire night. His response was "you woke me up" in an irritated voice. He was annoyed cos my vn woke him up and he had work in the morning. I was baffled. Imagine someone saying that to you, not just anyone but your boyfriend. I can't help but laugh now cos of how ignorant that is. He once wanted to get me these period pain relief patches I remember he said he wanted to get it for me.

But he also once said he doesn't care when I'm in pain from my period.

Sounds caring.
I wish guys had periods.

Omg snickers ice cream and almond fingers right now, and flying saucer sweets sounds nice😭😭
And bubble tea.

I've not been sick since last night my pain has subsided. I normally don't get severe pain. Only on the day before and my first day. But I'm taking it easy today. It keeps coming and going, I'm craving the mochas from the hospital my friend works in.

I just wrote a massive chunk but took it off. Maybe later I'll talk about it.

Also you don't work around someone, you make plans for them and make time for them in your day, by no means should you work around someone.

(I just wrote loads but deleted it, maybe another time).

2 years ago today he came to my house and gave me a hickey. I remember that day like it was yesterday he gave me cute kisses all over my face. He's done that a few times I love it when he does that.

Omg I really wanna read A Hue Of Blue.
My cramps are still cramping but not been sick so that's good.

I went out earlier to find snickers ice cream and nothing 😕

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