a lot

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dear diary, ( this is from a few days ago, I can't remember when exactly)

So, I decided to delete a lot of stuff I had wrote.

pre period hormones have been annoying

period starts in a few days = boobs are killing me, really bad, hurts so much.
cramps are bad and yes the mood swings are inevitable, I have cried already cos I finished my ice cream and wanted more. I've gotten moody. then completely normal and happy all within a half hour. its exhausting and I can't help it. I did try the pill a few months ago but didn't like it. I don't like the fact that it's unnatural and does more harm to you.

Im a bit sad cos I couldn't tell if I like my new phone case and if I need a new privacy screen cos I've cracked mine in a few places but it's not that bad so I didn't buy one but now I'm like maybe I should have got a privacy screen. I also really like the concept of s privacy screen and glad I got one. It's not a big deal but the hormones mess you up.

So I met up with one friend in the afternoon ish, and we were talking and she initiated the sex conversation randomly cos she's with a new guy.
she told me she's never been able to cum from a guy eating her out. She was like maybe once. She comes to me about this stuff a lot. I love her she's my best friend. She asked me if I have cum from it cos she wasn't sure if it was just her. (Every person is different tho so you can't compare really).
I was like yeh I came almost every time (or probably every time) when I was with A. It was my fave thing I think.
She was like what really.

She was like the new guy she's with made her cum from it once or twice and she realised it's about technique I was like I'd never have known lol. I've even felt like I need to pee (squirt) during it, but she's never had that "pee" feeling with anything. The pee feeling takes a while to reach sometimes tho so it really has to feel nice and intense for me to feel that. I think its just me who has this feeling idk. she asked me how I get that feeling and I seriously don't have an answer, it literally just happens when it feels really nice and intense. its not like a switch I can just turn on and off to feel lol.

We then spoke about other stuff. Women health and stuff .
And No before you already think about it, I haven't used the vibrator in months, literally months. I haven't even thought about it even tho I get spicy around my period. I've been stressed and have uni to think about. It is a good stress reliever tho ngl lol.

H messaged me yesterday on snap . I respected that. I'll get into it later. I replied.

I haven't told many people about my exam pass yesterday. Cos once you pass one exam , people probably expect nothing less. So what if I fail the others.

When I was driving home I was letting a guy go in front of me cos the lanes merged and I don't think he saw but I was flashing him to go cos he just wasn't moving and he had more than enough room to merge and use his initiative that I'm letting him move in front of me.

then he puts his hand up in the mirror telling me to let him in and I was like oh my days I have been for the last twelve years you're just not going, so I kept letting him go and eventually he went in front of me and said thank you but I hope he wasn't mad at me cos I was letting him go😭😭😂

sister = staying another few nights in the hospital. I think there's more to her health and im lowkey worried.

We video call my sister so she can see Layla. My mums been taking Layla to the hospital to visit my sister as well. Anyways I was playing with Layla and my sister was watching and she said she's noticed Layla likes playing with me and that made me smile. She said it's my energy and personality.

I was gonna take my car to a car wash the other day but I felt intimidated and didn't go😂 I Got scared lol. I even drove past it really slow trying to make up my mind but I didn't even wanna wait on the side whilst they cleaned it cos I just didn't feel safe. It was in pill, and the garage was like on a side street. My own dad said when he used to live closer to pill he'd be a bit apprehensive about going out at night in pill. There's been murders and rapes in pill a lot. One time a girl was raped and killed and cut up and put in a wheelie bin , think the binmen found her. It's not even the location it's just the car thing itself. even if it was any car wash in any location, I don't want to go, cos like where do I go or stand? what if they do something to me? or what if they mess my car up? idk im just apprehensive and being cautious lol, like I don't feel safe.

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