11. What Happened?

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The sound of birdsong fills my ears and I can feel the warmth of the early morning sunlight on my skin. Not wanting to greet the day just yet I reach out and pull Hallie close to me.

As I do every morning I pepper kisses along the back of her shoulder and I hear her moan softly.

"I love you babygirl" I whisper as I rest my head by hers

"I love you too big man" she replies and my eyes instantly snap open.....Hallie has never called me that.

I'm greeted with a naked body with a tattoo running the length of the woman's spine and blond hair over her shoulder.

"You........you're not Hallie" I gasp pulling away from her

"I should hope not" she says turning over and that's when I realise it's Celia

"What's going on? What happened? What did we do?" I ask panicked as I look down at myself

Celia leans over me and places her hands on my chest as she smiles at me

"Why don't you lay back, get comfortable and I'll show you" she says as she starts to kiss my chest but I push her off

"I'd prefer to get out of this bed, get my clothes and leave" I say jumping out of the bed "I can't believe that I would........I could never do that to Hallie I love her......wait........you offered me a..........what did you put in my drink?" I snap

"Nothing it was just soda" she says holding the duvet over herself as she watches me get dressed "you wanted me just as much as I wanted you, and let's face it I can satisfy your appetite far better than she can"

"In no way do I want you and I refuse to believe that I........there's no way" I say pulling on my shirt and heading towards the door "stay away from us"

Rushing out of the hotel I had no idea what had happened or what we had done. I was hoping with everything I had in me that we hadn't done anything, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself for doing that to Hallie.

"Joe!......hey Joe we've been looking for you all night man, Hallie is worried sick" Colby calls out as he and Jon rush towards me.

"Celia......she.......she put something in my drink" I say "I woke up in bed with her I have no idea what happened, what am I going to tell Hallie"

"Exactly that, Celia drugged you and you don't know what happened after that" Jon says "be honest with her"

"But it doesn't look good" I say "I don't want her to think the worst, I don't want to hurt her"

"Look you know she drugged you so whatever happened you weren't a willing participant" Colby says "If I were you I'd go to the police"

"Police!......you don't think......" I gasp "Oh my god"

"Either that or she has just made it look like something happened to hurt Hallie" Jon says "she sent her a photo last night and it said now you will understand how it feels to have your whole world taken from you"

"She has a picture" I gasp "what does she think? Does she hate me? Does she think I've.........."

"She's confused" Colby says "she knows you would never do that to her but she has a photo that says otherwise, we all know you wouldn't"

I get the guys to take me straight to Hallie, I needed to see her, to hold her if she'll let me. I needed her to believe that I wouldn't do this to her, that I love her, that she is the only one I want.

When we get back to the room she's sat on our bed looking at her phone her brow furrowed in confusion.

"He wouldn't" she says softly to herself

"I could never" I say and she looks at me as I sit beside her

"What happened?" She asks as I take her hands in mine

"All I know is I found her, she said we should go to her room to talk. She got me a soda and she put something in it. I remember nothing after that until I woke up next to her this morning" I say "I'm so sorry babygirl"

"Did you sleep with her?" She asks looking deep into my eyes

"I don't know" I sigh "Celia implied that we did but I remember nothing after I passed out. Hallie I wouldn't do that to you, you are everything I want I would never jepodise that"

"I know" she says cupping my cheek "I know you would never hurt me like that. I knew when I saw the photo she had done something. She wants to destroy my happiness like she thinks I destroyed hers. She forgets I know you better than anyone, I know you're loyal,  that when you say you love me you mean it with your whole heart"

I rest my head on her shoulder and begin to sob out of relief. I had been so scared that she would believe Celia, that she would leave me and that I would never get her back. But here she was believing me, trusting me and more importantly still loving me.

"Well figure this out" she says kissing my hair "we won't let her get away with this, I love you Joe and I won't let you go without a fight. She wants to take my world from me but I'm going to hold on to it as tightly as I can"

"We'll fight together because I'm not going to let her take you from me babygirl" I say looking at her "would it be ok if we lay down and just hold each other for a while, I just need you close to me"

"Of course" she smiles "but you should take a shower first, wash her skank off you"

"Good idea" I smile "I've never felt so disgusting in my life, I'll be right back" I say pressing a soft kiss to her lips.

"I'll be waiting" she smiles

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