17. Not Over

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As I lay in the silence of the beach hut with Hallie asleep in my arms, the only sound was the crashing of the waves and the song of the sea birds outside. I was truly the happiest I had ever been and I could only hope it stayed that way.

Smiling at the ring on her finger glinting in the dim light I knew this business with Celia was far from over. I had been keeping an eye on her socials and she was definitely pregnant the question was who was the father? We already knew it wasn't me.

Just like Hallie I wanted to get to the truth of that night. What had happened? Had some one caused it? How could we find out?

I press gentle kisses along her shoulder as I try to push the thoughts from my mind and enjoy our happiness.

"Mmmm tell me it wasn't a dream" she sighs sleepily

"Well if it is whoever wakes me up is going to have a problem" I chuckle "don't worry babygirl it was real"

"Good because I would hate to open my eyes and not see that beautiful ring on my finger" she says "also I don't know what got in to you but making love was something else entirely this time" she chuckles turning over and snuggling into me.

"Well play your cards right and you may get a repeat before we leave" I say kissing her neck and she moans softly

"Are you threatening me with a good time Mr Anoa'i?" She smiles

"No I'm promising you one" I say "I love you Hallie I need you to know that"

"You ok Joe?" She asks looking up at me "has something happened?"

"No nothing it's just...........I'm worried that things with Celia aren't over........she's really pregnant that much was true"

"Then who?" She asks and I shake my head "why do I have a bed feeling about this?"

"You and me both........you don't think?" I pause

"Danny?" She asks and I nod "unless he froze his sperm at some point I doubt it. Let's not talk about her right now, I want to enjoy being happy"

Pulling her close to me we snuggle up under the thin sheet. She was right it was a crazy thought but something told me she wasn't done that she had something else up her sleeve.

Hallie POV

Joe wasn't the only one that had come up with crazy scenarios in an attempt to figure out what was going on. I had even tried to think if she had anything to gain from setting the fire herself but I couldn't convince myself that she would intentionally hurt Danny when she loved him so much.

Right now I just wanted to stay in this we had created. I was happy, content and for the first time in a long time I felt safe and I didn't want anything to spoil it.

"So any ideas for the wedding?" He asks

"Hmmmm no as long as you are at the end of the aisle I don't care" I say kissing his lips

"Come on babygirl there must be something you want, something you dreamed of?" He smiles

"Apart from having my family there nothing" I say

"If I could make it happen for you I would" he says "what about location?"

"Anywhere she can't ruin it" I say "maybe somewhere that means something to us"

"We could do it right here" he smiles

"In bed?" I ask my brow furrowed

"No on the beach" he laughs "though getting married in bed is appealing"

"Duh of course" I say rolling my eyes and laughing "but I agree it is appealing though I'm not sure we can do it"

"We could make the hut our alter" he says "decorated the outside with flowers and we could stand in front of it and get married"

"I love that idea" I smile "can we do it right now?"

"We don't have an officiant or a priest babygirl" he smiles "believe me if we could I would I don't want to wait to make you my wife. Want to know I secret?" He asks

"Of course" I smile "tell me"

"Whenever I used to think about you being mine, I would imagine us getting married and I always pictured you as a pregnant bride. In my mind you looked beautiful and I've always been kinda stuck on that idea" he says blushing slightly

"Joseph Anoa'i are you asking me to have your child?" I ask smiling and he blushes further

"Maybe.......I guess.........I mean I wouldn't be unhappy if you fell pregnant" he says not looking at me "unless you don't want to.......I would never make you do something you didn't want to do...........it was just a thought I had"

"Well correct me if I'm wrong but we weren't careful last night were we?" I ask and he shakes his head "who knows maybe you already got your wish. And for the record I wouldn't be unhappy about it either"

"Really?" He smiles and I nod "what do you say we double our chances?" He asks wiggling his eyebrows

"Well I'm all for the trying part" I smile "that part is always so much fun" I say pulling him down to me until or lips meet in a soft yet passionate kiss.

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